the Idea expressed by the member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation Artem Kiryanov, fresh and too big to pass it to indirect speech. So here it is, speech is direct, uncomplicated: “We need counter-propaganda… But somehow it happened — apparently, the heavy legacy of the Soviet past crushes us, — that no one government Agency we are not responsible… We definitely need the propaganda Ministry of the Russian Federation”.

the announcement came on the organized OP the “round table “the Russian vote: fakie as a tool to manipulate public opinion.” At the event, as follows from the title, talked about the facts untrue, according to public men, the lighting of the last plebiscite. But if other members are limited to bitter complaints, a statement of the problem, Kiryanov suggested that specific solution.

Many of the colleagues and associates of the discoverer will probably tell now, what it is and they spun in the language. The idea literally was in the air. But this does not detract from kireevskogo priority. Apples out, too many fall on the head, but the honor of discovering the law of gravity belongs to Newton.

Today the work of propaganda, we must admit, we have delivered badly. No, themselves gospropagandistov a dime a dozen. On all Federal TV channels are all owned by the government and its wealthy supporters print, web and other media. But in their work, alas, can not see a solid organizing principle.

There are masters of propaganda, which, for example dignitary from the play Schwartz not afraid to throw the authorities in the face of truth: “Let me tell you straight, roughly, like an old man: you’re a great man, sir!” But there are those who begin to twist, to wriggle, to squirm, saying, “not the greatest of all kings, and only outstanding, but only”.

in Short, the relevance of the question is obvious. Let me, however, gently chided Mr. Kiryanov not quite accurate historical analogy: in Soviet times, the single state Agency responsible for state propaganda, was not there. However, this task took over the party apparatus. But hardly anyone can say that he coped with it brilliantly. Judging by the popularity of the anecdote about the replacement of the promise of communism to the Olympics, the belief in a brighter future has dried up among the masses at the latest by 1980 th.

a Much more accurate analog — Reich Ministry for popular enlightenment and propaganda, which existed in Germany in the years 1933-1945. “In the creation of the Ministry I see the revolutionary act of the government, as the new government intends to provide the people to himself,” said longtime head of government Joseph Goebbels at his first post-appointment press conference.

And minis��erstvo did not disappoint: the people were not “left to himself” until the last days of the Third Reich. Information care was so effective that even in the besieged Soviet troops in Berlin, many continued to believe in the imminent victory of Germany.

Star same hour Goebbels structure can be considered “exposing fakes” that everywhere the Nazis to exterminate the Jews. As a rebuttal was created documentary film “the Führer gives the Jews a city” (1944) — happy and full life of prisoners of the concentration camp Theresienstadt.

the filmmakers, too, the prisoners, and the whole crowd shortly after the shooting, of course, were sent to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. But their fate became known after the end of the war and, consequently, the dissolution of the Ministry. In General, it was done on the conscience.

Modern coprophagists still have a lot to learn from the grandfather of Joseph Goebbels. Although it is better not to advertise those lessons. The time now is difficult, can be misunderstood. For the same reasons it is interesting to think about a different name for the Ministry. To avoid unwanted associations.

because you Can find not worse. As a new state Agency, according to the author of the idea, go to expose false information and the dissemination of truthful, it is logical to call it the Ministry of truth. Who would think to mistrust the institution with such a great sign?

However, some renegades, probably still there. Orwell, say, “1984” and all that. And fall into the trap. “1984” — well this is absolute fake! There was no, no and can not be. Those who would argue the opposite, older Brother gruel and penalties under article 207.1. The criminal code of Russian Federation — “Public dissemination of false information”.

Read also: the case Safronova Russia can “blind”