In Latvia, 26-pound unmanned aerial vehicle out of control of operator’s unmanaged and began Autonomous flight. Fuel on Board is enough for 90 hours of flight. About the “state of emergency” was announced by civil aviation administration of Latvia. “MK” asked the expert how this case is unique.

Now the drone is flying randomly in the air space of Latvia. The control system was disconnected may 2. To fly the device will be able to 4 may.

flight Altitude of over 200 metres. Speed – 70 km/h. aviation authorities of the Baltic republics try to follow the movement of the drone. He was seen over the towns of Bauska and Adagio.

the Expert in the field of unmanned systems Denis Fedutinov told “MK” that the cause of the incident was probably “failure in the communication system, or control system that does not allow the operator to land”.

– In Latvia there is a company UAV Factory, which creates the sets of the family of Penguin with a takeoff weight of 20 kilos and above. The drones have a good performance. In particular, one of the modifications was was a record for the duration of the flight. It exceeded 50 hours. Perhaps it is just about the systems of the company. However, in this case, the promised 90 hours of flight look some exaggeration of features.

the Case released from obedience to the drone reminded the expert loud “PE” with the Soviet MiG-23 during the Soviet era.

– in the Summer of 1989, the pilot of the MiG-23 that took off from airfield in Poland, faced with technical problems. The pilot hurried to eject. After this, the aircraft in “unmanned” mode, flying nearly a thousand miles and fell on the territory of Belgium. There was a loud international scandal.

the Situation with the Latvian slight drone, of course, not facing such consequences as the story “in a flash”. Moreover, it’s likely to be used by the Latvian marketing developers, and in the end may have a positive effect on the fame of the Baltic brand, – the expert believes.