Tag: Small business

Michael Mishustin has promised to give small and medium-sized businesses installment on deferred tax payments. We are talking about entrepreneurs from the economic sectors most affected by the coronavirus
For subjects of small and average business have additional opportunities to delay the payment for lease of Federal property. This will affect the business in the field of transportation, culture and entertainment
The President proposed to extend the deferral of the payment of insurance contributions for small and medium businesses. "Postponement is necessary for six months - as we've done for micro-enterprises", - said Vladimir Putin
Members of the HSE signed a Memorandum with recommendations for reducing the risk of the spread of coronavirus infection for small shops. In particular, the document orders a small retail carry out disinfection of the premises and to distance buyers at a distance of 1.5 to 2 metres
Mode isolation have forced many companies to close or move to remote work, others have greatly decreased the flow of customers. However business not only survives, but comes to the rescue of those who are even more difficult: doctors, volunteers, people who lost their jobs

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