Tag: public Administration

The government approved mandatory for citizens and organizations rules of conduct when declaring an alert or emergency. Citizens and organizations need to follow the instructions of the representatives of the emergency services
The hospitals in the regions must be prepared for a potential admission of patients, because the peak incidence of coronavirus infection in Russia has not yet passed, said Mikhail Mishustin. "We can not exclude development of events according to the most difficult scenario," he added
Businesses can benefit from support measures, which were announced by the government, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. According to him, the Cabinet every hour to monitor the situation and is considering different options for continued assistance to entrepreneurs
The government distributed between the regions of 5.1 billion for incentive payments to doctors and medical personnel providing care to patients COVID-19 and citizens at risk. Only for payments to medical workers reserved 10.2 billion rubles
The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law on introduction of administrative and criminal responsibility for violation of the quarantine. When talking about serious consequences, the punishment is up to seven years of imprisonment.

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