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– There has not been dialogue between the County and the Bardu municipality. The repeal, we need to relate to, but I think it is a little regrettable that the county is looking completely away from their obligation to provide advice, ” says mayor Toralf Heimdal (Sp) to NRK.

VG talked about the matter first.

the County governor in Troms and Finnmark have conducted lovlighetskontroll and concluded that the decision of the municipal council 30. march about the measures on travel restrictions, the so-called søringkarantenen, after smittevernloven be repealed, writes VG.

the Regional Elisabeth Vik Aspaker confirms to VG that it is carried out lovlighetskontroll in one municipality, but does not rule out that there will be more.

Several municipalities in the north have used the smittevernloven to introduce the local special rules.

the Rationale has been that there is a need to avoid contamination, which could overload the Health care system locally. Despite the fact that the government will remove the quarantine and the law professor who thinks it is illegal deprivation of liberty, the municipalities are on their.

At the airport in Alta are travelers received by the municipal koronateam.

Photo: Christian Kråkenes / NRK

Bardu municipality was the first such measures.

the County has seen their chance to take the municipality that was the first kommunestyrevedtak. And the fact that we was perhaps the first is perhaps due to the fact that we now get this. But I miss the guidance from the County, it is completely absent, ” says the mayor Heimdal.

Will not leave

– It is like this that if we adopts a decision in the municipality and the County fears that it is being converted then the County obligation to consult with the municipality. And guide with what is invalid and what is required for that decision to be valid, said Heimdal.

According to Heimdal, they should get guidance about what should be done.

He does not believe there has been dialogue with the County governor and Bardu kommune and believe it has been one-way communication about the situation. According to Heimdal, they should get guidance about what should be done.

– But we do not give it here. We’ll be back with one new kommunestyremøte in the morning and hopefully a good and completed some medical justification for the decision, ” says the mayor.

–Sad with the drastic measures

Chair of Troms and Finnmark, Bjørn Inge Mo (Ap), think it is sad that Aspaker has revoked the quarantine.

Chair of Troms and Finnmark understand that the municipality has taken the necessary precautions and think it is a pity that the measure is now being revoked.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

– Municipalities have made decisions in a time where it’s actually the total lack of national coordination. I believe that when one excludes these resolutions so taking on a huge responsibility, ” says Mo.

He has had dialogue with several municipalities in Northern Norway and is of the opinion that the municipalities are keen to find solutions and facilitate.

– So I think it is a pity you go to such drastic work as desired, one should simply taken better time, believe Mo.

NRK has not been successful in getting the regional Elisabeth Vik Aspaker.

No one has been punished for violating

No one has been punished for violation of the north karantenereglene, type Rett24.

Førstestatsadvokat Lars Fause says that they are hesitant to write out penalties that go across the health authorities have adopted.

– It will sit far inside, he says to Rett24.

The local karantenereglene in North-Norway comes in addition to the government’s national regulations.

the Police will not enforce the municipalities ‘ koronaregler More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK