Sobyanin signed a law imposing fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation

the Moscow city Duma, recall, adopted amendments to the Code of administrative offences of the capital. They set the fines for violation of isolation. Mode home isolation since March 30, applies to all Moscow residents regardless of age. Leaving his apartment only in extreme cases. For example, if you have to go to work, to go to the store or the pharmacy, walk the dog and take out the trash.

the Fine is four thousand rubles. A second violation would cost five thousand

the Sanctions are estimated at four thousand. A second violation will cost five thousand rubles. The same is proposed to charge for the travel to the city by car. The last amendment Deputy Kirill Shields, which acted as the initiator of the bill, calls “sleeping”. “We know that there are no restrictions of travel for personal and service vehicles, as well as on entry and exit from Moscow there, explained Shields. – However, there are other cases. Imagine: a person who is a carrier of the coronavirus and is the home treatment, has violated the regime, got in the car and went to make contacts around town. Such a person must be exposed, stopped and sent to the hospital. His car then you need to handle and place into the Parking lot at the time while he is in the hospital.”

sobyanin signed a law imposing fines for violation of the regime of self isolation 1

Administrative liability is also provided for officials and legal persons, if they had not suspended the activities that full-time presence of people. And if to bypass the requirements continue to operate the retail facilities, the organizations (enterprises) public catering, providing services with citizens visiting such objects, the organizations (enterprises). Officials can be fined from 30 to 40 thousand rubles, and legal entities – from 200 to 300 thousand rubles. In the case of repeated violation, the fine for officials will make from 40 to 50 thousand rubles and 300 to 500 thousand rubles for legal entities.

Photo: Alexander Avilov/AGN Putin signed a law on fines and sentence for violation of quarantine

the Moscow city Duma Adopted amendments will be in effect in the city only in the modes of emergency or high alert. Fine collected in the first place those who is a carrier of the infection, being treated at home, or violates the prescribed quarantine. To fix the violations offered including using the system of urban surveillance, technical devices and special software.