She has made a scene at the hospital and fled

Voronezh police had to conduct a special operation to capture a potentially dangerous woman. But she’s not the hardened criminal and the daughter of a patient at the local hospital, who was diagnosed with the coronavirus COVID-19. First, the woman broke into his house and then fled, carrying the infection through the city.

At first, the woman had barricaded himself with his father and demanded to discharge him because he did not believe he was sick. Persuaded her to stay in the hospital, explaining that there is a risk of infection and that now she needs to test for coronavirus. However, the next day the patient had decided to leave the medical facility, reports NTV.

To search of the runaways were involved in law enforcement. Police stopped and checked all public transport, EN route from the hospital. The woman managed to get to the bus 12 stops, after which she was detained. Riding with her passengers had to be sent for quarantine under the supervision of physicians. The bus was taken off the route and sent to disinfection.

However, how many people were exposed to the risk of infection is not known.

The situation caused frustration among residents of Voronezh. But not so much the actions of women, as the hospital staff. The townspeople are outraged that in a time of heightened health security, it has turned into a thoroughfare: first, the woman there freely penetrated, then easily left.

A clear explanation of this protection the medical establishment does not. In the regional Ministry of health assured that all measures have been taken so that such incident is not repeated. Now the hospital has put up a police post, without special permission no one is allowed.

Meanwhile, the fugitive is isolated in the hospital together with his father, a test for dangerous infection done. The violator faces a fine of from 15 to 40 thousand rubles. However, if any of her contacts with citizens sick with coronavirus, the case of the administrative can be reclassified as criminal.