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Several of the Norwegian kulturinstitusjonene have today sent out notice of permittering of their employees. The national theatre permitterer 260 in whole or in part, from the 14. april.

– We have cancelled a number of performances from 12. march. We are very exposed, because we have a fairly large proportion egeninntekter. When they fail, so goes it not around the economic, and therefore we have had to reduce, ” says the director of the theater, Marte Færevaag Hjelle to NRK.

She goes on to say that it applies to all features on the house, and that all with over 50 per cent position being partially laid off.

the Rehabilitation of the national theatre is not affected

the national theatre is characterized by cracks and wear. Permitteringene does not affect the rehabilitation of the building.

Photo: Trond Stenersen / NRK

In 2017, it was decided that the national theatre should be shined up for nok 1.9 billion. The project has an expected start-up in 2022, and according to Hjelle will not be affected by the situation.

the Planning of the rehabilitation of the house goes his time. The project is in the final stages of the preliminary project, so we shall work in the quality assurance of what is put forward.

The Norwegian national Opera & Ballet also has laid off 598 employees in whole or in part, and closed out april. Permitteringene comes as a result of that many people have lost their work tasks, as well as that the World economy will be secured for the future.

We have not carried out our mission in such a situation is now. Korona-the pandemic also affect our economy hard, although The Norwegian Opera & Ballet receives significant state aid, ” says managing director Geir Bergkastet in a press release.

The Norwegian Opera & Ballet has laid off 598 employees fully or partially.

Photo: Paul Kleiven / Paul Kleiven – Hope this period is as short as possible

In addition to the national theatre and the Opera permitterer both The Norwegian Theatre and Oslo New Theatre staff from the 14. april.

The Norwegian Theatre has partially laid off 250 employees, as a result of the canceled activities in the theater through april.

” We hope that this period is as short as possible, and we shall do everything in our power to bring the employees back to work as soon as it is medically and economically justifiable. We look forward to opening the doors for the public again, ” says theater manager Erik Ulfsby in a press release.

Oslo New Theatre writing in a press release that by to cancel all performances until the summer corresponds to a loss of nok 22 million in revenue and 60 000 visitors.

– This should have been Oslo nye’s best year in a long time. It is unbearably sad to now have to go the opposite way to lay off employees, and we are sincerely sorry for that the theatre has come in this situation, ” says director Jan Beckmann.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.