Salary is still a taboo subject in Germany. And that among friends as well as within the family or among work colleagues. That should change. With the Kununu Salary Check 2023, a comprehensive analysis of over 500,000 salary details has now been published.

Did you know that every second person in Germany does not know what their partner earns? We want to change that: With the Kununu Paycheck 2023, we are publishing a comprehensive analysis of the more than 500,000 salary details shared by employees in 2022.

How much do employees in Germany really earn? Which jobs pay the best?

And what is the salary of skilled workers, e.g. B. from nurses, educators or sales staff?

The Kununu salary check 2023 only takes into account salary information from 2021/22 in order to provide the most up-to-date possible view of earnings in Germany. Of the 566,000 salary data evaluated, 500,000 were submitted in 2022.

The values ​​shown are the average gross annual salaries of full-time employees in Germany. Part-time earnings are not taken into account below.

The Kununu Salary Check 2023 looks at what employees in Germany earn. For this, however, not only the average salary is considered in isolation, but also influencing factors such as professional experience, differences between the sexes and the salary by industry, city and state are taken into account.

Here you will find a sneak peek of the average salaries in major German cities and the respective salary satisfaction:

On, employees and young professionals look for salary information for specific job roles every day. Paycheck took a closer look at the most searched jobs with sufficient salary data for salary opportunities. These are the average salaries of the ten most popular jobs:

2022 was the year in which the problem of a shortage of skilled workers was felt by everyone – and was therefore no longer just an economic problem. The paycheck looked at the earnings of skilled workers 21/22 based on four systemically important professions.

In doing so, we refer to occupational fields that are particularly affected according to a skilled labor shortage analysis by the Federal Employment Agency. This is what nurses, educators, sales staff in retail and service employees in the catering industry earn on average:

If you are one of the many Germans who will soon receive a letter from the contribution service of the public broadcaster (formerly GEZ), you should definitely reply: Otherwise, in the worst case, the bailiff will soon be at the door.

The deadline for filing property tax returns is coming to an end. Many real estate owners are frustrated because they don’t know exactly how much they will have to deduct from 2025. A key factor here is the municipal tax rate. And it’s apparently going up now.

The original of this article “500,000 salaries analyzed – that’s how much Germany earns” comes from kununu.