ISIS sold Murad to sex slavery at the age of 14

Canadian school boards cancelled an event for a woman who was kidnapped and forced to sexual slavery by ISIS because she was afraid of Islamophobia.

Twenty-eight-year-old Nadia Murad was scheduled to visit with students from 600 different schools to speak about her upcoming book, “The Last Girl: My Story Of Captivity,” which documents the horrific treatment she suffered from ISIS but was told by the Toronto School District that her event could not be held because it could “foster Islamophobia”, according to the Telegraph.

Helen Fisher, Toronto School Board Superintendent, decided to cancel the event. Fisher argued that the book could offend Muslims. The Toronto District Schools Board is Canada’s largest and fourth largest.


Murad’s memoir tells the story of how she fled the Islamic State after she was taken from her home. She was sold into slavery and tortured until she turned 14.

Tanya Lee, a district parent, has criticised the school district’s decision.

This is the definition of Islamic State. It is a terrorist organisation. It is not related to ordinary Muslims. Lee stated that the Toronto school board needs to be aware of this difference.

Murad was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2018 and she founded Nadia’s Initiative. Through this, she is a prominent advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and genocide.

Fox News Digital was informed by the Toronto District School Board that the event has not been cancelled and that Murad’s book will be reviewed.

Ryan Bird, a spokesman for Fox, stated that the event had not been cancelled. Ryan Bird, a spokesman for Fox, stated that an opinion that didn’t reflect the position taken by the Toronto District School Board had been shared with the organizer of the book club before staff were able to read the book. This is something that is done regularly before students are given the books. The book is currently being read by staff and they expect to be able to add it soon to the list of titles in the appropriate course(s). We apologize to Ms. Murad and believe that she has a compelling story to share with our students.