last fall was the Swedish-German vindkraftselskapet Eolus green light from the NVE to build 75 wind turbines in Vefsn, in the middle of the flytteveiene to several thousand reindeer on the coast of Helgeland.

Just before christmas, approved the NVE utbyggerens plan of how the development shall be carried out – a so-called MTA plan.

the Plan also includes mitigation measures for those who are harmed by inngrepene in nature.

Reindriftsnæringa believes the island will lead to that site being lost forever as reinbeiteland, and have appealed the approval to the ministry of Petroleum and energy.

It has also Naturvernforbundet, folkeaksjonen Headwind and several other klagere done.

Local opponents have described the controversial wind farm as a devastating assault against nature, outdoors, Lomsdal Visten national park, against the reiselivssatsingen in addition to the traditional reindeer herding.

wind turbines commissioned

Øyfjellet wind farm will contain as many as 72 wind turbines. The developer has reduced the project with three turbines because they can bring out the same power with fewer turbines.

Photo: Nordconsult

the Complaint is still with the directorate.

In the meantime, the conflict between vindkraftmotstanderne and the developer escalated.

Øykraft Wind AS has started to build a anleggsvei up to the 55 sq km large mountain area to the west of the Town where the wind turbines will be up.

This week, it became known that the developer has signed a contract with the German manufacturer Nordex for the delivery of 72 wind turbines to the Øyfjellet wind power plants.

the Contract has a value of more than two billion.

the Plan is that the first wind turbines, which receive an overall height of 180 metres, to arrive at Mosjøen in march next year.

– towards the fall of 2021 will be it is hectic here. When will the turbines be mounted, ” says byggprosjektleder Ørjan Thorstensen Rosvold in Øyfjellet Wind.

To move several thousand reindeer

When the 72 wind turbines is completed they shall provide renewable power to the aluminiumsprodusenten Alcoa in Mosjøen.

Photo: Ole Christian Olsen / NRK

While anleggsmaskinene go for the full, and cleans up to 70 metres of road a day up the mountainside, not the developer managed to fulfill an important prerequisite for the approval from the authorities.

A ready condition from the NVE has been that Øyfjellet Wind must agree with the reindeer herding.

This deadline was set to 11. march.

Every fall, and spring is moved, namely the large reinflokker through the area where it is now to be built wind turbines.

When the island is complete, the 12 mile long flyttleien that is used to move the reinflokkene between vinterbeitene to sommerbeitene by the coast, is closed.

Now is the spring movement soon for the door, so the urgency to get a deal in place. The developer has proposed to stop the development in one to two days.

– the Approach to refute the industry is so remote that it does not look like it will any deal, ” says reineier Thorstein Appfjell.

Photo: Lars-Petter Kalkenberg / NRK

But it is not possible to move so many reindeer in one day, according to the reineierne.

– I think the developer basically also understands, says Torstein Appfjell, which is the leader in Jillen-Njaarke reinbeitedistrikt.

Appfjell mean several things suggest that the developer adds up to that this matter will be settled in court.

– It is disappointing for us. It is given clear guidance through the license, and not least through the recognition of environmental causes, says Appfjell.

What should happen when the island is finished, there is no consensus.

Reindriftsnæringa believes the island will lead to that site being lost forever as reinbeiteland. – It will not be possible to drive the reindeer in the midst of the wind turbines, they believe.

Photo: Ole-Henrik Kappfjell

the developer has proposed that the reinflokkene in the future to be moved on trucks or ferry.

Reindriftsnæringens lawyer Pål Gudesen says that the conflict is now very inflamed.

– Reineierne experience that they cannot get receive recognition, ” says the lawyer.

He has now sent a letter to the AUTHORITY to ask them for help. Here they pray also NVE stop the construction work until the conflict is resolved.

Here are built road up to the Øyfjellet. The 72 wind turbines to provide renewable power to the aluminiumsprodusenten Alcoa.

Photo: Ole Christian Olsen / NRK

Also, the developer is asking the AUTHORITY for assistance.

The urgency is to find a solution on how to get the animals past the construction site now in the spring, ” says byggprosjektleder Ørjan Thorstensen Rosvold in Øyfjellet Wind.

Now awaiting his reply from the NVE.

the NVE will need to take the process further. I would assume they come in as a broker in the case, then we’ll resolve where from there.

NVE confirms to NRK that the inflamed matter now located on their tables.

– the Parties have not managed to agree, and then it’s NVE who will take the position of the final solution. Possibly, we would call in the parties to a meeting, ” says seksjonssjef Øyvind Leirset in the NVE.

NVE has also not taken a position reindriftsnæringens request to stop the construction work while the treatment in NVE runs.

Here are the 72 wind turbines will be built in Vesterfjellene in Vefsn. They will get a height of 200 meters from the ground to the rotorspiss.

Photo: Eolus