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Norwegian institute of public health had on Tuesday received a total 51.456 messages about possible virus symptoms after the Sunday last week opened a selvrapporteringstjeneste on the net.

” We are very pleased that so many have reported symptoms. We hope this can give us better knowledge about the incidence of the infection in the population and whether there is a difference between including age, gender and place of residence, ” says Trine Hessevik Paulsen, doctor at the Norwegian institute of public health, to NTB.

Everything about koronaviruset NRK answer: korona Think get infected

Even though over 51.000 have reported the possible korona symptoms, don’t think the Norwegian institute of public health that all of these actually are infected.

Paulsen shows that the testing of people with symptoms that so far is done in Norway, have uncovered a smitteprosent at under 5 per cent. It would indicate that under 2.500 of them who have registered, in fact, has been korona.

She emphasizes that selvregistreringsløsningen not, in itself, can say who of them who have reported from, who actually is infected by the virus. But it is possible to indicate whether one has been tested, something that less than 2 per cent of the registered state to have been.

But it is a good opportunity to keep track of how many at any given time who have symptoms that may be due to koronaviruset, ” says Paulsen.

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FHI la on Wednesday presented a report on the various findings among those who have reported that they had symptoms from the and with 15. mars, which applies in excess of the 23.000 of the respondents. The rest of respondents have reported symptoms that started earlier. These shall be included in the further analysis, but is not included in the first report.

the Report shows, among other things, geographical distribution of cases between counties (per 100,000 inhabitants). It shows that most people who have reported symptoms, is resident in Oslo, followed by persons resident in the counties of Vestland, Vestfold, Telemark and Rogaland. The fewest cases are reported from Wyoming, but there are respondents from all counties.

The majority of respondents, 59 percent, are women.

– It can mean that women are somewhat better at than men to opt from, and not necessarily that more women have symptoms, says Paulsen.

the average age (median) for respondents is 37 years, but the age range for is great from 0 years to people in 90-years.

Decline in the number of koronainnlagte, for the second time in four days, Many different symptoms

Paulsen says an interesting finding is that most reports about many different symptoms. Almost half have more than four symptoms, and a quarter reported more than five symptoms.

The most frequent symptoms are cough, sore throat and headache, but in combination with other symptoms, especially fever (45 percent).

Those with a fever to report more frequently about muscle aches and headaches and other symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and loss of taste and sense of smell. Among persons without fever were respiratory symptoms more frequent, said the report.

We are maybe a little bit surprised that people have reported so many symptoms, but with the thought that respiratory infections often give a symptombilde with some nonspecific symptoms, so confirm this maybe just the reality, ” says Paulsen.

the Service is prepared by the Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) and the Norwegian health network People. Those who register, will receive no health care or help to notify other if they are infected, but the registration service is one of several measures to get an overview of the prevalence of the infection in Norway.


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