At first glance it looks like the pictures of an ordinary family on an ordinary skiing holiday.

But the family is the Norwegian crown prince couple, and they are of anything other than a regular holiday in the Norwegian mountains.

because of coronakrisen keep the royal family as their goods, Skaugum, south of Oslo in the easter holidays.

It informs the Norwegian court to the newspaper Dagbladet.

It holds not, however, crown prince Haakon and crown princess Mette-Marit from taking their daughter on a skiing trip.

At their profile on Instagram share Mette-Marit are two private photos of themselves with the crown prince and his daughter, princess Ingrid Alexandra.

‘I came to the top. Whats not to love at easter in Oslo,’ writes the crown princess.

She also recalls the advice from the authorities, which is all about keeping distance.

The Norwegian kronprinsfamilien love – as also the Danish – to be physically active.

The Norwegian kongehusekspert Caroline Vagle says to the Newspaper that everyone in the family loves to ski, and they often travel abroad, where they can surf.

“this year it will be hjemmepåske also to them, and I will believe that they will spend a lot of time outside,” says Vagle to the newspaper, and adds:

“the crown princess has already told you to go take trips and swim in the lake to keep the morale up in these times, and it will absolutely sure continue to do so in the easter holidays.”