Udo Lindenberg’s bodyguard died unexpectedly at the age of 57. The singer now bids farewell to his longtime friend on Instagram.

On Instagram, Udo Lindenberg reports with a sad message. On Wednesday evening he announced on the social media platform that his longtime bodyguard, tour companion and masseur Hansi Westerfeld died unexpectedly at the age of 57. The singer addressed his friend with emotional words: “Dear Hansi, you crossed the big river way too early and way too suddenly… Life isn’t fair.”

Nevertheless, Hansi will remain “here forever in the heart of our panic family,” the 76-year-old continues. “We will miss you” (Eng. “We will miss you”). His friend was there for him at all times of the day, even at four in the morning Hansi could be relied on. “Thank you for everything. Bon voyage my dear. Your Udo”, he ends his lines. What Hansi Westerfeld died of is not yet known.

Condolences from Udo’s fans are also piling up in the comment column under the picture. One writes: “It is very sad when a good friend and at the same time a good buddy is suddenly torn from life, I can well imagine how you are doing Udo, Hansi will always remain in your heart. R.I.P Hansi.” Another tries with optimistic words: “I’m really sorry, but he ‘only’ went ahead of us.”

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