“Dear all together. The world looks completely different today than it did just a few weeks ago. We miss all our normal everyday lives,” says Denmark’s future king.

Along with the rest of his family, he has recorded a greeting to the danes.

A greeting message that contains both words of encouragement, a thank you to those who are struggling to keep the country running, and a little insight into kronprinsfamiliens own lives.

a few weeks ago cut off the family of their stay in Switzerland due to the corona-onset.

Since then they have stayed in Denmark and tried to adapt to the current reality.

In the video, recorded Friday, is crown princess Mary at her husband’s side and tells that the family has taken up residence in the garden to get some fresh air.

see also the clip with the couple’s children, prince Christian, princess Isabella, prince Vincent and princess Josephine, there are dangers around in the garden, before they run up to their parents.

this fall the talk of everyday life – and particularly the distance education, as the royal children, like all other school children must go through.

“It has required some adjustment for both the children and the parents,” says a smiling crown princess.

the crown prince ask then the children put little words on everyday life, which has now been turned on its head.

“I miss to see my friends and have a more varied life, where one gets to play sports and be more active,” says prince Christian in the clip.

Also his siblings offers check:

“There are the friends you miss, but actually, I think it is much fun with it that distance learning,” says Isabella, before prince Vincent interrupts:

“I think that learning is very boring.”

The young prince’s opinion get the other to laugh, but kronprinsfamiliens greeting is not only to jest and laugh.

it also contains The severity and the recognition of the danes.

“We would like to thank to all those who are working hard so that we can all get through this difficult time,” saith the tronarvingen, before his wife adds:

“You, who stand at the front. You, as a therapist, provides care and helps those who need it.”

crown Prince Frederik takes once again the word and ends:

“You, who holds together the society and the main functions; to provide an indispensable effort.”