the Woman came by plane to Norway via the Torp Sandefjord airport in December with 248 grams of cocaine. The drug was smuggled in the body.

According to the verdict from the Vestfold district court is the usual punishment for this one-year imprisonment. But the judge has chosen to do four months of punishment conditional.

It will say that she don’t have to zone four of the months. Unless she is taken again in the course of two years.

the Reason is that the woman has an eight-year-old son as she fears getting poor follow-up without her present.

Think the Spanish child welfare struggling

Normally would right let it be up to child welfare in Spain to follow up such cases.

the sentence refers to the media’s coverage of korona-the situation in Spain, and that it has made the court is unsure whether the child gets follow-up the need.

It is drawn forth also, that the woman had no pre-requisites to know about the pandemic and the consequences of it, when she smuggled cocaine.

“It must be assumed that the unrest the pandemic entails, is an extra burden for persons charged with fear for his son and the rest of the family in Spain. In addition, physical contact in the form of visits impossible, and will probably be there over time.”


that the woman has confessed and expressed that she regrets, has also contributed to the fact that the judge shortened his sentence.

the Woman has already served 98 days in custody. This is drawn from the unconditional punishment of 8 months.

It will say that the woman let out of prison no later than within three to four months.

Spain hit hard

In Spain increases the number of dead and infected as a result of koronaviruset quickly. Friday got the country a new somber record.

769 people died in a day.

It is the highest number of deaths in one day in the country since koronaepidemien started. A ishall is made to the mortuary and the health care system is on the brink of collapse.

Before the weekend was over 36,000 people are admitted to the hospital, according to health authorities in the country.

Spain has the highest number of dead in Europe after Italy, and both countries have now more dead than China.

SMUGGLING: the Woman landed on the Torp with the drugs stored in the body. (arkivbilde)

Photo: Philip Hofgaard / NRK