Kids online: parent five myths about the Internet

– most Importantly, do not try to suddenly become a “model” parent and take away all the gadgets your child to supposedly protect it. All we need a sense of proportion. Whether we like it or not, but gadgets is a very large part of children’s lives. Taking away something, we need to offer a decent alternative, and most importantly, communicate with your child! – experts underline.

Myth # 1. Mindless entertainment it brings only harm

Many adults annoying computer games, “let the child read the book”.

Photo: iStock “Yandex” has launched the index of isolation for Russian cities

Alas, meaningless, and bad books also a lot. But many virtual games and entertainment to children in real life can benefit.

From the life: “My older son spent a lot of time watching various “jokes”. It helped him in camp to become the soul of the company. Even after a year of him remembered as a man with whom it was very fun.”

similarly, immediately find a common language those who have played the same computer games. Who subscribed to the same group Vkontakte. It often becomes a token by which the children unite in the real world with the same interests, values, level of intelligence.

What to do if you think that the child spends time in vain? Analyze what kind of motivation I have that interests him? Offer a proportionate alternative to offline.

Myth # 2. Malware information – online only

the Internet is the only way to work with information. Earlier this way was books.

Photo: iStock the Researchers said the vulnerability in remote desktop

Explain to your teenager that not all you write and show the truth. Remember the joke about the inscription on the fence, and the wood?

If you are willing to openly discuss information from the Internet, trusting your child, then he will trust you.

What to do? To be able to speak on complex subjects.

Myth # 3. Social networking – risks and group adventurers

These groups are. But there are a lot of useful and interesting much more. There is one important rule – you must have built a trusting relationship with a teenager. Talk to him about the value of life, show this with an example. Share your experiences of youth. It is important to understand that you are not alone. And, of course, the mental health of children is the responsibility of the family, not the Internet or school.

What to do? Tell your child about how you decide these questions, how to deal with difficulties as lived personal crisis. Explain that the network does not need to do anything you don’t do in ordinary life.

Myth # 4. Network – a circle of harassment

Bullying in the network do exist, but often it is continued harassment in school.

Photo: iStock How to work remotely from home with children. Manual

So do not limit the child’s communication in the network. Here he was in greater security than offline. And the ability to communicate – the key to success in life! Yes, there are opportunities for blackmail and harassment. But, unlike real life, the persecution, the network can easily be stopped by simply sending aggressors to blacklist or ceasing to appear in the forums where too much aggression and bad moderation.

What to do? Tell your child how to send the interlocutor in the black list, to make screenshot of screen and send a complaint to the management of the social network. In the most egregious cases, this screen may be grounds for criminal prosecution. But to remove the unpleasant messages and SMS are not worth it. They can be used as evidence of harassment, slander, threats.

Myth # 5. Dangerous Dating – the threat

This topic is really difficult, so we can go over it safely. The offender who seeks victims through social networks – the horror for any parent. And such do exist. But to do something really dangerous, they can, basically, in reality. To protect the child, you must teach him not to give out their personal information to strangers, and to observe elementary safety rules.

Photo: iStock Yandex translate Russian students on distance learning

there are two types of risks that threaten the child:

1. violence offline failure to comply with the rules of safe meetings with the network of friends, and as a result of accidental or intentional disclosure of personal data, allowing your child to find.

2. compromise or blackmail with the threat of compromise, on the basis of written, photo and video, which was posted to the network in open access and in personal correspondence.

What to do? Tell your child that it is better not to make incriminating actions. Not to put the huskies under the dubious photos, videos and statements. Not to participate in surveys on questionable topics. Any photos and videos that you post on the network, including personal correspondence, may be published or used for blackmail.