There is a lot of gardening work to do in May. Because the merry month is exactly the right time for many tasks in the flower beds and vegetable beds.

May not only attracts summer temperatures, but also finally ushers in the gardening season. A lot of important work should be done now.

May is the best time to clean the greenhouse. Because the plants that overwintered there can now move out. The plants that spend the summer in the greenhouse should only move in after the Ice Saints.

In May you should fertilize your flower beds and also supply rhubarb, berry bushes and the lawn with nutrients. Homemade nettle manure and your own compost are particularly suitable. There are also special fertilizers available commercially.

To prevent wild herbs from overgrowing the planted plants, you should regularly pull weeds in May. Because this month the accompanying greenery is growing particularly vigorously.

Slugs and slugs should also be collected consistently. Because in May, when the temperatures rise, the little slimes are out in droves again and feast on vegetables and flowers.

You shouldn’t let the warm temperatures in May tempt you to put cold-sensitive plants outside too early. Wait until after the Ice Saints, which often cause night frosts in the middle of the month.

After the ice saints, you can plant tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and melons. You can either grow young plants indoors in advance or sow the seeds directly into the ground after the Ice Saints.

After the Ice Saints, the right time for sowing has also come for bush beans and climbing beans. Nasturtiums, broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts can also be sown now.

Where gaps become visible in the perennial bed, you can now add or sow plants. May is also the perfect sowing date for many annual summer flowers such as sunflowers, marigolds, morning glories and flower baskets.

The warm temperatures also make animals thirsty. Attract beneficial insects to your garden with waterers for insects, birds and hedgehogs. These help you combat unwanted pests and pollinate fruit trees and vegetable plants.