this Year’s winter in the north has bet on a good deal of snow, and meteorologists denotes the year that unusually snowy.

Ronny Møllenes is brøytebilsjåfør in Alta municipality. He and his colleagues in the north have this winter had plenty to do.

Brøytebilsjåfør Ronny Møllenes’ve had long work days this winter.

Photo: Hanne Bernhardsen Nordvåg / NRK

I am actually fond of snow, but now begins to and with I to get enough. There has been a lot and I’ve been at work all weekend, twelve hours each day.

I have not thought about how much that has come, but it is totally sick. I think in the winter of 97 can take a hike. I have a suspicion, tells Møllenes. the


Not since 2005 has there been such a snowy February, that in the year in Nordland and Finnmark. In Troms, there has also been a good part, but not as much as last year, even. But not everyone is equally happy for the amount of snow that has come.

I think it is enough now. I had måka so nice here and brøytekantene was completely down and everything is possible. Now, it is only on the’n again,” says Inger Gunderson, while she clears away the snow from the courtyard its in Alta.

Inger Gunderson believes there is enough snow now.

Photo: Hanne Bernhardsen Nordvåg / NRK

a Few houses further down is Carsten Rolland out in exactly the same errand. He is not completely satisfied with the snow he seagulls away, only looking out to make room for even more.

Carsten Rolland makes snømåkingen into a workout.

Photo: Hanne Bernhardsen Nordvåg / NRK

It is a little evighetsarbeid. One takes a round, so there are a couple of hours also, it is exactly the same again. So then one must take a round to, ” he says.

Good performance

the Snow-the statistics for march are not yet clear, but it is well on the way to the snørekord also this month. It has the people in the north really marked.

Fortunately, it is not so wrong that it is not good for anything.

It is the straightforward trim. It is not so much the other trim to get done now during the day, so when it is in a way ok, ” says Rolland.

– Also it’s not so much the next time. So you get the appetite, ” says Gunderson.

– There are many that stand out and are a little exasperated when they should be shoveling snow, and there you will realize. But for my part, snows that the money, if one can put it that way, ” says brøytebilsjåføren Ronny Møllenes.

Read more: Over two meters of snow in the north, in the south sprouts flowers Loads Twitter content Could not load the content, but you can go to twittermeldingen.