But the doctor pushed to the Initiative of the local physicians, it has a bar.

“I feel like a Jockey in the gate and all of a sudden the horse is shot,” says doctor Gregory Brinkmann in an interview with MOPO. He had the idea for the Drive-In test center and picked up within two weeks, some two dozen colleagues in the boat: “It should be a neighborhood project Bergedorfer family doctors, to relieve our offices of corona patients.”

Corona test center in mountain village: the way it should

The concept: patients call in to your doctor and if a corona is suspected, a paper, with the patients then go to the test centre and in the car to be tested. Without a previous diagnosis, no Tests should be made.

The health Department mountain village supported the Doctors, rented the Parking lot, wanted to ensure that signage and tables for the Tests. At the weekend the government backed down, allegedly at the instigation of the kassenärztliche Vereinigung.

Corona-the Drive-In in mountain village: The doctors Association

says: What doctors and patients in mountain village would have been able to make life easier, from the point of view of the kassenärztliche Vereinigung, KV unnecessary competition. Corona-patient should only use the KV-Doctors-Hotline 116117: “The KV test centres due to medical reasons thinks is currently needed. The home visit service the doctor can support the current demand with ease,” so KV press-Secretary Dr. Jochen Kriens on MOPO-demand.

Why in the interests of patients not both be possible, the Hotline and the test centre? “Because it is not medically necessary,” repeated the stand representatives. In addition, the laboratory capacities are limited and would not be enough even for “private initiatives”. The accusation Gregor brinckmann rejects: “We have capacity in laboratories, since there are no signals of Congestion were sent.”

last Chance for Corona-Drive-In-Tests in mountain village

The health authority, the attitude of the Doctors ‘ Lobby confirmed. Is sealed From the test center to? To the extent that authorities spokesman Dennis Krämer does not want to go: “It’s cancelled, nothing in the mountain village we are working with all sides in the conversation.”

This article was written by Stephanie Lamprecht

*The contribution of the “house doctors frustrated: Doctors Lobby to stop Corona’s test center in Hamburg”, published by Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
