for a number Of years, the residents of the village of Musken used a van to transport patients to and from the quayside. When varebilen thanks for themselves, they were forced to think creatively.

We were going to have to use the tractor when varebilen thanks for the up, but now has syketransportbilen come in place. It was taken about two weeks ago and is ready to use if it becomes necessary, ” says Amundsen.

From the previous of the was the old varebilen used both for the transport of sick that had to be, but also as a local taxi. Through Nordland county has Amundsen taxiløyve for Musken, a job he has in addition to having responsibility for everything from renovations and maintenance of way, maintenance.

– Syketransportbilen should only be used for medical transportation. We are very dependent on having a taxi also, so how we resolve it, we need to come back to.

around two weeks ago came the new syketransportbilen in place. Driver Ketil Amundsen says they are grateful for the nordland hospital trust has set with the car.

Photo: Anders Urheim the Mayor is happy that the village has been the transport of patients

Hamarøy-the mayor Britt Kristoffersen (Sp) have been made aware of the issue through several stories in the media, most recently in the hard copy of the Newspaper Nord-Salten where the matter of the new syketransportbilen was first published.

– It’s absolutely fantastic that the nordland hospital trust sets with the car and cleaning up in this, ” she says.

Hamarøy-the mayor Britt Kristoffersen is happy that they have got no place in Musken.

In addition commend her volunteer spirit and willingness citizens in Musken have to help each other and stand on for the community.

I have the understanding that they have a need for a more regular transport also. It is very gratifying that in any case this with no is resolved.

Satisfied with the medical transportation, but miss the taxi

Solbjørg Amundsen has already prøvekjørt the old pasienttransporten in traktorskuffa.

It was not comfortable, tell me she.

She is pleased with the fact that they have been given a proper medical transportation in place, but says they are missing a taxi in the village.

We are kjempeglade for syketransporten that have come into place, but we can unfortunately not used it for anything other than that. We are many old older here who has need for transport.

eg & edith by Arvid Thomassen agree and pray now Hamarøy municipality provide support to a taxi.

– Here is the many with poor vision and a lot of older people. It is of course not possible to sit in a traktorskuff when you are going out on a trip in bad weather.

Thank nordland hospital trust

It is the nordland hospital trust has been asked with the car. It is an older ambulansebil which is converted to the transport of patients.

We would like to bring a big thank you to the nordland hospital trust, which has helped to give us such a car.

about two weeks ago, the new pasienttransportbilen heist in the country on the quayside in Musken.

Photo: Anders Urheim

And he has the responsibility to transport patients who need a stretcher, it is Ketil Amundsen itself. The job as a transporter of patients is something he does on a voluntary basis.

– Here we need all help for that stuff to go around. Therefore, I have taken on me the responsibility to be the driver of this car, ” says Amundsen.

Marks is still a need for lokaltaxi

Already have Amundsen got feedback on that sambygdingene feel more safe with a syketransportbil in place if the event of an accident.

As syketransportbilen is earmarked for transport of the sick, in need of the village is still a taxi. Now hoping that it will be possible to get grants from the municipality or the county to get it in place.

– We have almost only apply for funding from the county and the municipality in order to go to the acquisition of a taxibil. The need is very large, there are many older and retired here that would like to get around a bit.