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– I go so much the trip anyway, so I might as well add the trip by a cabin or two to see that everything is ok, ” says Heidi Rosseland.

Heidi dwell in the Gulen kommune, a municipality that has almost as many cabins as houses.

When the government introduced the forbodet which prohibits the accommodation of fritidsbustadar outside heimkommunen, thought Heidi with a gong that it had to ho help.

It was the first thing I thought when restriksjonane was introduced. I am actually in a hyttekommune.

She took contact with a friend of mine that has a cabin in the municipality and tilbaud to check that everything was ok with the cottage, boat and boathouse. When he asked if she also could see the other cabins in the same cottage. And so she was hyttevakt for a perfect cottage.

– I feel actually that we have a duty to do this as long as me myself is healthy and can go out. It is a win-win situation. They are trygga by the fact that the cabins are seen to, and I will get me a very nice tour of places that I otherwise would not have gone.

And Heidi is not alone about to set up on dugnaden.

There are very many who opt to see to the cabins of those who now can’t go out in the week of easter.

BYPÅSKE: this year there will be bypåske on hytteeigar Jan Harry Larsen.

Photo: Private Hytteeigarane ask for help

Hytteeigarar all over the country is no worry over that the cabins are standing empty over a longer period of time.

Jan Harry Larsen is one of them. He has a cabin in the municipality where Heidi now, it goes hyttevakt.

Although he very would have been at the cottage over easter, so the respect he hytteforbodet and restriksjonane that is introduced. Nevertheless, he is worry that something will happen with the cottages while they are away, either as a result of the uvêr or radiation.

Therefore he put out a call on Facebook where he asked locals for help.

Photo: Screenshot / Facebook

– I have received very good response on the facebookinnlegget. I have received many comments, and all comments are positive.

He set the price that the locals no set up.

– I see that some locals put the views on the walk back cabin area to see to the cabins. I get a little tryggare when I know that there is any that are supplied with.

Decrease in crimes for profit

a Sheriff in Nordhordland police district, Kjell Idar Vangberg, is known with the fact that many hytteeigarar en are afraid of the radiation, but he has not seen any increase of this type of forbryting. Rather, on the contrary, he says that the crime rate has gone down the last weeks.

– There are quite a few who work with hytteinnbrot no. We can never guarantee anything, but there’s no trend now.

NABOHJELP: police sergeant Kjell Idar Vangberg looks positive that the locals have started tilsynsdugnad.

Photo: Oddgeir Øystese, norway / NRK

Even though the police have patruljar in the area, it is difficult for them to check every corner of the cabin. Therefore seems to the sheriff that tilsynsdugnaden is a good measure.

I think it is good with nabohjelp. People are still allowed to travel in the cabin to take velferdssjekk. Then it makes sense that hyttefolket are in league with each other or ask them who are locals in the area to see to the cabins.

< p> the Municipality helps to

In Eidfjord municipality and many hytteeigarar that is easier said than done. Here, the municipality community to go on synfaring to safe hytteeigarane.

those who are interested in the offer can send a mail to the municipality. Then we will check the cabins and come with a feedback to the owners, says varaordførar Aslak Lægreid.

This route to prevent a big boom in hyttefolk to the municipality.

– It does not have the health care capacity.

Set price on hyttefolket

In Gulen is Heidi prepared to carry on with tilsynsdugnaden as long as she is healthy. She looks forward to later hyttefolket welcome back after koronakrisa is over.

– We set the price of hyttefolket! We want them to be here and that they the visitors in the municipality. It shows we are now in that we take the initiative and go one round in the cabin area. We show that we care, and it is important these days!

also Read: Hyttekommuner satisfied with the extended hytteforbud More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK