Germany and France returned Sunday for further 389 and 292 died within a day of coronaviruses.

the Number of registered people infected with corona virus in Germany is Sunday increased by almost 4,000 to 52.547. But researchers say that it is almost impossible to use the numbers for something, you can make conclusions from.

It is the researchers from the Robert Kock Institute (RKI), which records the number of infected and dead. The death toll in Germany is calculated on Sunday to 389.

They say that the figures they present, they do not give a uniform picture of what is happening across the German länder. And to test and encounter not the numbers in the same way in Europe.

– All look at these figures and compare them with other countries, says the RKI’s president, Lothar Wieler, for the Frankfurter General Sunday newspaper.

– But they are just snapshots. Every country works differently from the other and are at different stages, he says.

France joins the Sunday for additional 292 died within the past day as a result of infection with the coronavirus. This is a decrease compared to the day before, in which 319 died.

It brings the total death toll up at 2606, and 40.471 are confirmed infected by the virus, informs the French national institute of health, according to AFP.

In the united kingdom was the former Sunday 209 citizens reported dead in the last day in the Uk.

It is a little lower than the number of coronarelaterede deaths the day before, which sounded on the 260 victims.

This is a total of 1228 people died as a result of coronavirus in the Uk.

the Government in London warns that the stringent measures are put in place, can last for a good while yet.

the British have been asked to stay in their home, if it is possible.

– All must prepare for a significant period of time, where these measures are in work, says Michael Gove, who is minister without portfolio.

In the Netherlands, with 17 million inhabitants, is the number of confirmed smittetilfælde Sunday up on the button to 11,000. Here rates the authorities to achieve so-called herd immunity.

the Country’s health authorities report a total of 771 died of coronasmitte.

Schools, bars, restaurants as well as Holland’s many coffeeshops and brothels have been closed in the past two weeks. But the citizens have not been asked to go into quarantine in their home.
