This article is over two days old and may contain outdated advice from the authorities regarding the koronasmitten.

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– to keep myself in good shape physically I take the stairs, I go down six floors and back up again, three to four times each day. And so the bicycles I!

quarantine added could have been a sedentary alenetid, but not for Oudette Guyomard.

The 88-year-old pariserkvinnen bikes twice a day on an exercise bike in the backyard.

I ride two times a day, half an hour each time, tells Oudette. She protects face and head from the sharp, and so on with a sommerhatt.

Photo: Jorne Van Damme / NRK Effort on French

Oudettes good helpers Fabrice Normand and his wife, Celine Normand. They are the caretakers and portdame in the apartment building where Oudette live. They are among hundreds of thousands across France, which is part of the online dugnaden “Solidarity between neighbors”.

– We moved this your exercise bike from the office and put it in the backyard. We are fortunate to have a beautiful garden in Paris , ” says Oudette.

– She trains every day, and is in very good shape, ” says Fabrice.

the Couple Celine and Fabrice Normand board of directors nabodugnaden against korona in the apartment building where Oudette live. In addition to having put out the bike in the backyard organizes the babysitting and shopping for the residents.

Photo: Philip Lote / NRK Large initiative with simple posters

The great naboinitiativet is a small set of posters. Anyone can easily download the posters from the web and hang them in the recovery or neighborhood. Where can people write-up with name and phone number.

They can offer to do errands or ask for help.

– Are you disposable to buy food? Can you help the elderly? Or, for example, I need help to walk with the dog and to buy the food, ” explains Fabrice, while his pointing at the posters in the recovery.

Fabien Cochelin is of the neighbors that has been written up and runs errands before neighbors who need help several times a week.

Photo: Philip Lote / NRK Explosion in volunteering

the Initiative has led to an explosion in volunteering in France. 140.000 apartment buildings, condos, and the neighborhoods have downloaded the simple posters on a under a week.

in the office Of the driving force behind Atanse Perifan is a conference call in time.

Perifan speak with the commander of the Sosialdirektoratet for social services in France. Typical of the time are also working she home.

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Founder Atanse Perifan use it most of the day to tell people how they can best organize nabohjelp.

Photo: Philip Lote / NRK People rods do not each other out

– I am amazed how the French people have responded. We could have thought that the fear of the other and the quarantine, the fear of the virus, will make that people withdrew, but no!

– The French people are generous. They create many beautiful stories about themselves. In reality the solidarity win the war against the koronaviruset, ” says Atanase Perifan.

Not all who need help are old. Fabien Cochelin trades for a neighbor.

– One of my neighbours, Stefano was in Italy three weeks ago. He got fever and headache. He suspects that he has korona and will not take any risk. He has remained at home since.

– If you need something on the other days. Let me know! Fabien Cochelin has just delivered a carrier bag of goods for his korona-infected neighbor Stefano.

Photo: Jorne Van Damme / NRK Oudette miss chi gong

Normally coach Oudette three times a week. She misses chi gong exercises with the chinese breathing and bevegelsesøvelsene. For now, get your exercise bike to be used during.

stepping through the quarantine think Oudette she will manage. Even if it was going to be long.

– I do like all the others. I don’t think of it. I go on, day after day!

After the session, enjoying the Oudette the sun in the backyard in Paris.

Photo: Jorne Van Damme / NRK More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK