Plan: $80 million to hire 87,000 additional IRS agents

A Republican congresswoman from South Carolina claims President Biden’s Build back Better plan includes $80million in funding to hire 89,000 additional IRS agents. These agents will be “spying” on Americans bank accounts, just like socialist countries do around the globe.

Rep. Nancy Mace (Republican from South Carolina) reacted to the controversial IRS funding stipulation that was added to the Build back Better Act.

“It’s wrong. Eighty billion to 89,000 more agents for spying on our bank accounts. “This isn’t America,” Mace of the Lowcountry Region said. This kind of thing has been done in socialist countries. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t work. We’re going on to keep doing this, rather than changing our tax policy to be more user-friendly and less complicated – whether it’s a flat or consumption tax. This is why we’re going ahead with all these agents to spy upon our bank accounts. It’s un-American.”

“Republicans have lots to run next year. But the problem is going be, ‘How can we reverse this bad program if it passes and gets passed?’,” she said.

The $80 million that the Build Back Better Act invests in the IRS would allow for 87,000 additional IRS agents to be hired. This would lead to an estimated 1.2 Million additional audits per year. Families earning less than $75,000 per year would be affected by nearly half of the audits. 25% of audits would impact Americans who earn $25,000 per year or more.

Mace predicted that the Build back Better plan would only increase inflation. He argued that socialist spending will encourage people to not work, worsening supply chains issues, and raising taxes for average Americans already faced with increased prices for food, gasoline, and other goods.

These results will give Republicans huge victories in the 2022 midterm election, Mace predicted. He believes the GOP will win as many as twenty-three additional congressional seats. She says that if Republicans regain the majority, they will be given the task of undoing the damage done by the Build Back Better Act if it is passed by the Senate leadership this week.

This is a global effort. The global effort is called “Build Back Better”. She said that this is about social spending, providing safety nets for the poor and paying people. One reason why inflation is going up is because we are spending more through COVID-19 relief programs, such as ‘Build Back Better’. We’ve spent more in the past. The taxes will go up. This will affect inflation until Republicans are majority in 2022.

“And I believe it will happen. Mace said that it would be important. “At least 2 dozen seats, or more. We will have to attempt to reverse some policies that are creating this. If it happens, it will be extremely difficult to reverse the policies.