Austria has offered to open flights between the countries winning the coronavirus

Austria is preparing to challenge the quarantine. On 1 may, the country will open a large shopping and sports grounds, and from may 15, the restrictions will cease to operate and at restaurants, and even schools will return to normal operation. All this became possible due to the positive trend on reducing the number of cases that has been observed for weeks. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz hopes to go back to normal. For example, he offered to restore air links with the countries that defeated the epidemic. This idea has both pros and cons.

Central Europe suffered from a coronavirus less than its southern neighbors. Some countries were able to achieve a breakthrough in the fight against the pandemic rather quickly. Among them were Austria, where, over time, the number of patients did not exceed 14 thousand people. Of them recovered 10 thousand, but victims of the epidemic were 470 people. In the last days stats and is encouraging, the number of cases in this country consistently in the tens, and the number recovered – hundreds. The Austrians can’t wait to get back to normal, and the Chancellor fully share this enthusiasm.

Austria was one of the first countries that began to soften the quarantine in Europe. Gradually, step by step, in the country removed most of the restrictions, according to government plans by may 15 should be to remove almost all the restrictions. Austria is not alone in this, some of them neighbors of the case is also going very well. On this basis, the head of Austria Sebastian Kurtz had an idea.

“In the field of air transport in the medium to long term I expect a scenario in which in the international arena to each other will open the country to have beaten the virus and having a positive trend, i.e. where there are very low incidence rates. You can expect a club of countries that has overcome the disease. This is likely a path that can become a reality in Europe, and outside the Schengen zone,” – said the Austrian leader.

the Idea of Kurtz is very simple – he wants to restore air links with other countries, managed to overcome the coronavirus. According to the Chancellor, first and foremost, Vienna is considering resumption of flights with Germany and the Czech Republic, where the situation is very good. Such measures are guaranteed to spur the economy and will greatly help the airlines, which were on the verge of ruin due to the fact that now the flight is actually prohibited.

on the other hand, there is a risk of “second wave” of coronavirus, which can cause people who came from another region. And these concerns are expressed not only experts: U.S. President Donald trump just by this logic, was denied entry to page��well, any immigrants in the near future. Moreover, the American leader is sure that the split of the country into hazardous and non-hazardous can not be, because the disease can come even out of the state where cases are not very many.

However, Sebastian Kurz, seems aware of all the risks. Despite the desire to resume the opportunity to travel to neighboring countries, it does not seek to open the internal borders of the European Union. According to policy, the continuation of a strict border regime “depends on the situation” in other countries of the Union, and the restrictions can be removed after the epidemic there will decline.