The overriding corona-the focus is on the record time has been moved from the South and to the west.

Coronavirussen’ve been a – with multiple lengths – new epicenter: the UNITED states.

Nearly 200,000 americans are infected with the virus, which spreads with violent speed in the ‘land of liberty’, and, in particular, is turistmagneten New York solid hit.

the Entire state of New York is approaching the 100,000 smittetilfælde, and from the metropolis, we have in recent weeks been horrifying stories of crowded lighuse and hospitals, where you have the containers standing with dead americans lying.

And now tell a ambulanceredder also scary details to the New York Post about how it is to be at work in these days.

“We bring more or less patients at the hospital to die. We know what we have written us up, but we did not expect it here. It is very grueling. We’re exhausted,” says Megan Pfeiffer to the New York Post.

She runs the ambulance in the borough of Queens and tells that all the hospitals, as she takes the patients to, are filled.

A quarter of the ambulanceredderens colleagues are even people with coronavirussen, and it makes the days even busier with the many calls.

“There are really many sick people. It is the people aged from 20 to 40 years, that will be posted in critical care,” she says.

another ambulanceredder tells the New York Post that she actually helped during the war in Mosul in Iraq, and that it is quite appropriate to call the current conditions in the city for ‘a war zone’.

the State of New York has four times as many cases as the closest state of New Jersey, and then there is a good drop down to the next on the list.

And it is a very good reason to.

New York – in particular the city itself – is struggling namely with a cocktail of circumstances which makes that it makes good sense that the city has been the USA’s major epicenter for coronavirussen.

First and foremost is the population density.

the fact is that New York is the one of the major cities in the UNITED states, where there are clear the most people per. square meters.

There lives more people in less space, but it only becomes ‘serious’, when newyorkerne huddle in buses and metros.

“the Density makes us vulnerable. We are used to people. We are used to cows. We are used to being close together,” has New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, for example, said to CNN.

A second reason is the amount of testing.

In the state New York was found quickly out that the epidemic had hit the city, so in order to contain the virus put you time in the test device.

That meant, for example, that the state on Thursday had been responsible for 25 percent of the country’s all test.