American pressure on China intensified. The United States has a sufficient number of evidence that the coronavirus began to spread around the world from Chinese laboratories in Wuhan, said the US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. What can result reinforcing the confrontation? And whether it will result in something will not remain at the level of rhetoric? Our questions answered by the academician Sergei Rogov political analyst Yevgeny Satanovsky.

Sergey Rogov, head of the research Institute of USA and Canada studies, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

the Confrontation between the US and China today is becoming the Central axis of the system of international relations. To a certain extent it is possible here to draw Parallels with the cold war involving the Soviet Union and the United States. Confrontation extends to virtually all areas of relations between Beijing and Washington. Economic, military and ideological. The administration of tramp – especially the question pedaliruet Pompeo – emphasizes that the enemy is the Chinese Communist party.

as for the allegations against the coronavirus, of course, on the basis of facts to prove the guilt of China is difficult. The more that this kind of biological research conducted in the United States and in England and in other countries. To exclude that from the Chinese laboratory leaked virus studied there do not. But to prove this, it is required to present the testimony of people who worked with this virus. Who will have to publicly declare his guilt. But it is extremely unlikely.

But the Americans managed to attract allies. You know, as with the case Skrypali: there is no evidence the prosecution has. The deed was done – public opinion in the West accepted the idea that Russia tried to poison these people, the reputation of our country was abandoned spot.

I Think that this scandal, too, will last a long time. Sino-us confrontation, in my opinion, will flourish. The most serious consequence may be termination or violation of trade-economic relations between the two countries. In military terms, is also likely to increase tensions. In the first place – in the South China sea where the Chinese have recently been trying to prevent the American fleet.

Another problem: the administration of a trump led to the extension of the start-3 Treaty by the accession of China, and this will not happen under any circumstances. After the United States withdrew from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range start-3 – in fact, the latest agreement on nuclear arms control. If will collapse and he will sharply increase military tension, including the threat of nuclear war.

So Opti��ation scenario is seen bad. Everything speaks of growing chaos in international relations. To replace the failed unipolar world comes not ordered a new multipolar system of obligations, and the situation in which each acts for himself, without regard for the interests of others.

Yevgeny Satanovsky, a political scientist, orientalist, head of the Institute of the Middle East:

– in what is, of course, will not translate. To destroy China, America can’t. China has a nuclear Arsenal and quite well-armed army that covers the topic of military expansion against him. Even some hundred, even fifty years ago it was not so. And now – all, Bobby died! Later. In addition, China normalized relations with Russia. So take a risk in this respect will not be any American President. Neither the present nor the future.

Well, they do not like China, it’s understandable. It is clear that they will try to spoil as much as possible. With the help of sanctions, at worst – the information war. Something else. But China – not Iran. It so, sharmake, not take. Even Iran, much more weak and vulnerable, as it turned out, not take.

Now tell me please: will you give up cooperation with China at least one serious country? Not only Russia will not give up, but Europe, and indeed all the business partners of China. It is physically impossible. And America will not refuse.

States, like people, also get old. In his later years, too, fall into dotage. And, apparently, what happens with the United States, this is the place to be: they are moving slowly to cease to be a superpower. This state senile and is by and large the main reason for the current anti-China rhetoric of us leaders.

in addition, campaigning for the elections. And suddenly it turns out that America is not the beautiful. And glory, glory, of course, hallelujah, but medicine is sensible in America. It’s there worse than us. And not just medicine. And the American voter must understand that all that fell now on the United States, fell not because of a failed private authorities. Do not blame the current President, and, for example, Chinese.

But those Chinese are, among other things, say: “we Americans have brought!”. And go figure who is right and who is wrong. Someone who brought. At once, Russia is in no blame. And the Jews, surprisingly, too. Except from the Iranians, yet no one could hear that all the fault of Israel.

but after the election to explain anything to anyone and to prove it would no longer be necessary. After elections, voters generally never explain.