Contrary to earlier statements, CSU leader Markus Söder can imagine a term as Bavarian Prime Minister beyond 2028. “Should you and the voters want it, then that would not be an exclusion criterion for me,” he said on Wednesday in his keynote speech at the retreat of the CSU parliamentary group in Kloster Banz.

Söder justified it by saying that five years ago the opposition rejected a ten-year term limit for prime ministers. According to reports, the faction acknowledged the statement with “strong applause”.

In 2018, Söder advocated limiting the terms of office for Bavarian prime ministers to ten years. However, after the opposition in the state parliament refused to vote for the necessary constitutional amendment, the plan failed. She accused Söder of wanting to change the constitution for purely tactical reasons and compared him to the then US President Donald Trump.

As a result, Söder himself had repeatedly emphasized that he felt bound by the ten years even without a change in the constitution: “I continue to take the ten years seriously for me.” In the debate about the limit, Söder saw it as a “good signal”. designated to show that political power also needs limitations in Bavaria.

Söder has been head of government in Bavaria since 2018, and according to his original plan, his term of office would end by 2028 at the latest, even if he were elected.

As the “Spiegel” writes, Söder must first be re-elected in 2023. The last time the CSU got an absolute majority in the state election was in 2013. In 2018 it was only 37.2 percent. In the most recent polls, the CSU is around 40 percent.

After his keynote speech at the retreat of the CSU parliamentary group, Söder said that the goal for him was a stable majority. If the result of the CSU is more than 2018, “it’s nice”. But it is not about a percentage discussion. Söder repeated that after the 2023 election he is in favor of continuing the coalition with the Free Voters, which has existed since 2018.

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