The Time-out lock pulls the most crazy in some people. Just ask James Campbell, who is running a marathon, ran in its little garden to the rear. Thank you to Red Devil, Michy Batshuayi.

James Campbell, a amateurvoetballer, and an ex-javelin, from Cheltenham, I went for a week in his house, when he got a idea came to him. He posted that on Twitter. “With a 10,000 retweets I can run a marathon (42,195 km), ed. in my achtertuintje. That is, it is about six feet long,” wrote Campbell. The stunt would have got the money in the coffers to try to make the health care system.

also, Read of 2,100 times, and once again, link is running a marathon on the beaches of Dubai

by Very quickly, it went initially with the retweets, the message is passed to it for the first time as a Red Devil. Michy Batshuayi was the plan of Him on it, told his 1.8 million followers, and in no time at all, the matter was settled. “I love you, and Twitter,” wrote, ” Batshuayi, who Was successful wanted to with his crazy plan. “We have enjoyed all of them so stupid of challenges. Isn’t it?”

More than 7,000 lengths

Campbell, who is never more than 15 miles at a stretch had been loved well by word and started to think about the impact of the project. The prospects were not very encouraging; he had more than 7,000 times in the length of his back yard, walk -in, but the man continued. Stronger, in fact, he made sure that everyone who wanted to be #6MetreGardenMarathon in the foot and was able to follow it. The tour was streamed live on YouTube, and it was even commented on.

To your knees and ankles a little, to prepare it, made Him of strength exercises and he was placed in the lead-up to his stunt, even some of the circuits in the yard. But the man, who had just two days ‘ time. “In fact, I was so not prepared for this. Especially since it’s football season due to the corona virus has already in a while it will stop”, he said, that SportBible .

Campbell, hoped to have in advance, and that the company would be able to finish it in about 6.5 hours, and that he was to be 10,000 pounds (11,000 euros, ed.). should be able to pick them up. Everyone who wanted to was able to use a website for fundraising, get involved. And that was also great. The Englishman ran up with more than 26,000 pounds (30,000 euros, ed.). with each other. He closed the cap of the 42 kilometres and 195 metres in a little over five hours.

The people in the health sector carried out a fantastic job”, decided it Was after the marathon. “This is my awesome company, people are encourage to stay at home, that way we can save a lot of lives. Hopefully, we can make the thread of our “normal” lives as quickly as possible to pick up.”

For those who have time, the full marathon: