Johannes Varwick is against arms deliveries to Ukraine because the device only makes the war “bloody longer” and Ukraine cannot win the war anyway. Meanwhile, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is “concerned” about the forthcoming explosion in heating costs and has confirmed arms deliveries.

“It’s a disaster,” explains politics professor Johannes Varwick. “We have to help Russia. It’s sitting in the corner. We have to help the country get out of it.” “Ukraine is sitting in a corner,” interjects CDU defense expert Roderich Kiesewetter from the side. But politics professor Varwick has his own theory. It is not “responsible” that the West should supply arms to Ukraine and thus prolong a war that cannot be won against Russia. “Supporting a hopeless struggle makes no sense!” Germany has its own interests. This includes, for example, not wanting to be drawn into a war with Russia. “We have the key to ending the war.”

Politics professor Johannes Varwick sees his own position as pragmatism and blames at least part of the blame for the outbreak of war on the West. “We didn’t read it properly,” he says. The West should have known that Ukraine is a special case from Putin’s point of view. “We will only win if we create a situation that tries to balance things out. We may have to make a dirty compromise.” From the political expert’s point of view, “freezing the war is the order of the day”. The war cannot be solved by supplying arms. Russia is the country that could escalate at any time. Heavy weapons would therefore still lead to heavier weapons. “We’re just letting the conflict get bloodier longer.”

Politics professor Johannes Varwick is pretty much alone in the TV studio with his opinion. “There can be no safe world with a strong Putin,” counters Grimme Prize winner Katrin Eigendorf. “He wants to destabilize the western world.” It has long since turned out to be a mistake in western politics to “continually gloss over Putin’s imperialist posturing.” Putin very consciously punishes different countries differently, explains CDU defense expert Roderich Kiesewetter. “In Germany, Putin is playing with fear.” The Americans are giving Ukraine massive support. Germany can and must also supply modern equipment. The Bundestag has long since approved it. “But we deliver almost 60-year-old armored personnel carriers to Greece by way of a ring exchange,” criticizes Kiesewetter. “Most of the weapons in Ukraine have been used up.”

“Armored vehicles are on the move,” says Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck. The Vice-Chancellor joins in at the beginning of the round of talks. Habeck cannot agree that the pace of German arms deliveries is too slow. “It’s good that the cabinet is thinking. You try to understand the weapons, whether they really help.” You can’t make emotional decisions, you have to keep a cool head. That’s why you don’t do everything you can, because otherwise Germany would get caught up in a “global war”. The economics minister also sees the danger that the Germans will become war-weary and that support for Ukraine will take a back seat. “You get used to everything.” Over time, the topic of fuel discounts and the Bundesliga will be pushed aside. He also sees his political responsibility in remembering the war.

Robert Habeck is one of the most popular German politicians. This is certainly also due to the fact that he does not simply ignore certain things, but addresses them in a relaxed tone. “We don’t run out of breath here. We are one of the richest countries in the world,” he says, referring to high energy prices as a result of the sanctions. “But you have to worry.” Germany is heading towards a dramatic increase in heating costs. “There is still a major social and political task ahead of us.” Habeck has already sworn to Germany that the war could last longer.

The Federal Minister of Economics is also asking for understanding that the delivery of armaments will not be made public. “If you announce that trucks will drive over there tomorrow, you shouldn’t be surprised that they don’t drive over there anymore.” You shouldn’t confuse politics with commitment. And the Panzerhaubitzen 2000 promised to the Ukrainians “can really do something,” reports Habeck. “This isn’t worn-out scrap we’re bringing over.” Regarding the war aims, Habeck avoided a clear answer. “Ukraine must decide what the end of the war can look like. There are many ways to end the war.”