The UN and the WTO warned about the dangers of food crisis in the world

the Heads of several international organizations warned Wednesday that the situation of coronavirus COVID-19 threatens disruption of the food supply in the world, if the governments of different countries will not be able to take the right action the who, WTO and FAO pointed to the migration of the labour force employed in agriculture and faced with restrictions on movement because of the mass closures the Heads of several international organizations warned Wednesday that the situation of coronavirus COVID-19 threatens disruption of the food supply in the world, if the governments of different countries will not be able to take the correct action
dar19.30 / DepositPhotos who, WTO and FAO pointed to the migration of the labour force employed in agriculture and faced with restrictions on movement because of the mass closure
modfos / DepositPhotos

the Heads of several international organizations warned Wednesday that the situation of coronavirus COVID-19 threatens disruption of the food supply in the world, if the governments of different countries will not be able to take the right actions. Such statements were made by the head of the world General descriptionAI health (who) tedros adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the world trade organization (WTO) Robert Azevedo and the head of the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO) qu Donjoy, reports “Interfax”.

“the Uncertainty regarding the availability of food may cause restrictions on exports, which will create shortages (of food products. – Approx. “Interfax”) in global markets”, – said in their joint statement.

In the midst of the closure of the state borders should be made “every effort to trade flows was flowing as freely as possible, especially in order to avoid food shortages”.

In this context, media are reminded that after the financial crisis in 2007, India and Vietnam restricted rice exports, and was followed by riots in several developing countries, driven by rising rice prices.

In turn, the head of the who, WTO and FAO pointed to the migration of the labour force employed in agriculture and faced with restrictions on movement because of the mass closures. Media clarify that in the moment became clear dependence of agricultural production in some countries, the influx of foreign workers. So, the cultivation of many crops in the United States was under threat due to shortage of seasonal workers from Mexico who come to work in the United States. Similar phenomena are observed in Western Europe, which relies on workers from North Africa and Eastern Europe.

in addition, the statement of the who, WTO and FAO calls to ensure the safety of workers employed in the food business. Media explained that the earlier part of the employees of supermarkets in Italy and France refused to go to work, citing the lack of measures to protect their health. Similar challenges faced the trading network Whole Foods in the US.

In the opinion of the heads of the who, WTO and FAO, amid all these problems, international cooperationin particular importance.