Millions of households will be financially relieved in the coming days and weeks. Retirees, families and singles benefit to varying degrees. FOCUS online says when how much money is flowing.

energy flat rate

Pensioners receive an energy price flat rate of 300 euros with their December pension.

emergency aid

Gas customers receive immediate help for their gas consumption. Depending on the provider and the contract, the sum is either reimbursed in December or offset against the annual consumption. Tenants only benefit from the gas reimbursement in the next annual statement.

child support

Child benefit will increase on January 1, 2023. At the same time, the previous child benefit scale will no longer apply. In future, parents will receive 250 euros for each child. So far, there is 219 euros for the first and second child, 225 euros for the third child and 250 euros for each additional child. A family with three children has received 694 euros so far. From January 1, 2023 it will be 750 euros.

gas price brake

A gas price cap for private households will apply from January 1st. A maximum of 12 cents per kilowatt hour is charged for 80 percent of the previous year’s consumption (reference month September). The supplier should be able to bill the current gas price for the last 20 percent. Tenants who do not have a direct contractual relationship with a utility company will not be reimbursed until the next annual heating bill.

Electricity price brake

The electricity price brake is also introduced. From January 1, a kilowatt hour of electricity for 80 percent of annual consumption (reference month September) may not cost more than 40 cents. The supplier can calculate the current electricity price for the remaining 20 percent. FOCUS online warns: Many energy suppliers will double the electricity price from January 2023. In some cases, a kilowatt hour of electricity will cost almost 60 cents.

Germany ticket

The nationwide “Deutschland-Ticket” is to be introduced on January 1, 2023. It should cost 49 euros. This should enable German citizens to use local public transport. However, like the 9-euro ticket, the ticket is not valid on the ICE, EC, IC and all long-distance passenger services.


From January 2023, the basic tax-free allowance will be increased: it will increase from currently EUR 10,347 to EUR 10,908 in the coming year. From January 2024 it will even be raised to 11,604 euros.

The allowance for capital gains for single people will be increased from EUR 801 to EUR 1,000. Double the amount applies to married couples.

Students who receive BAföG may earn more from January. Previously, the part-time job upper limit was 290 euros, without this having any effect on the amount of BAFöG received. From January, the limit will rise to 330 euros.

housing benefit

Households with a low income will receive an average housing benefit of around 370 euros from the beginning of 2023. Anyone who lives alone and receives housing benefit should receive a one-off payment of 135 euros, a two-person household 175 euros. For each additional person in the household there is an additional 35 euros. A flat rate of 115 euros per person is provided for students and trainees. As a result of a reform, two million households are to benefit from this support from January 2023. The housing allowance increases on average from 177 euros to 190 euros.

citizen money

Unemployment benefit II (or “Hartz 4”) is called citizen benefit from January 2023. The change is that, among other things, the standard rate will be increased by around 50 euros to 502 euros per month. There is an allowance of 40,000 euros for recipients. The allowances for additional earnings will increase from 20 to 30 percent.

Also read: Large table – relief package? This is what the new gas price brake really does for you

Appropriate: Are you there too? – Millions of households will not benefit from the gas price brake until the end of 2023