Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov wrote in a Telegram that in 2021 Russia has a chance to turn in their favor, the circumstances related to the pandemic COVID-19.

In his opinion, the country that understand that the struggle with the consequences of coronavirus worse struggle with the infection, will have certain advantages. The medic advises to prepare for the next waves to develop medicine, to continue to vaccinate and "to stop blindly follow the Western models of behavior".

"a Lot of West from this model won? Stopped the spread of the disease? Reduced mortality? Only plunged into darkness, the chaos is only held by huge spending to keep the economy", says butchers.

The doctor believes that Russia should develop domestic tourism, the transport system, as well as "let the income from the sale of oil and gas in domestic use".

"While they ruin their economy and make its people zashugannyh mass, we could reduce the information fuelling the pandemic (which, I think, made in China), to begin to calm the people (the good, the vaccine will reduce the risks vaccinated immediately — no waiting for herd immunity, herd immunity for non-vaccinated)," he explained.

Butchers assumed that these actions will give the country "the chances of a breakthrough against all others".

"Until all players are lying in the pile-on, one who is out of it (can. — Approx. ed.) to break with the ball in his hands — will have a huge head start!" — concluded the expert.

Relevant data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.