Tag: Zen

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin thanked the Metropolitan physicians for their work in the fight against coronavirus. "Always with great respect for the work of physicians, but for now just admire," he said
Before the end of the Declaration campaign has just over a month. Of the 2019 income citizens have to report until April 30. Read more about who and how to report - in the material "RG"
The doctors continue to communicate in social networks information about how to treat patients with COVID-19. "The virus is not as dangerous as many people think now," - said the chief doctor of the Clinical hospital 67 them. L. A. Vorohoba Andrei Shkoda
In Moscow on the morning of Saturday was General cleaning of streets, the first after winter. And then in the afternoon the roads treated with disinfectants, and the procedure for the first time will be held in the city's history

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