Tag: the far Eastern Federal district

A day in Russia revealed 1667 cases of coronavirus infection in 49 regions of the country. Died in days 12 patients. This was reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control of the situation with COVID-19
One of the consequences of the outbreak of the emergency vacation was an increased interest in retraining and obtaining additional education. To obtain additional knowledge ready 24% of respondents
In the first place by the number of coronavirus cases per 100 thousand of the population today is Moscow, the second - Komi, the third - Buryatia. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova
Mode isolation, which introduced the majority of Russian regions and demanded strict control. With this purpose there was special permits. Correspondents of "RG" to find out how to obtain them and who they put
Any insult is already a reason to take under the protection of the honour and dignity of the person. So, the courts started to recover compensation for moral damage on citizens, which was an insult of interlocutors via SMS, instant messengers or Internet

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