Tag: law

The police will not detain citizens for expired passports

The police will not detain citizens for expired passports

The police will not detain citizens with expired passports and driver's licenses in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. Also there will be a systematic work to identify violators of regimes of quarantine
When the employer can transfer employees to shorter work

When the employer can transfer employees to shorter work

Big companies one after another announced the move to four-day working week. Employers, as explained by lawyers in such a situation the selection of possible behaviours is small. And in any case they and employees will have to make certain compromises
"RG" publishes the law on the withdrawal of business from-under criminal article about OPG

“RG” publishes the law on the withdrawal of business from-under criminal article about OPG

"RG" publishes the law on the restriction of use to the business of article 210 of the Criminal code for organizing a criminal community. She was considered one of the most severe deprivation of liberty for a term up to 20 years and a fine of up to five million rubles
"RG" publishes a document about the punishment for online sale of counterfeit drugs

“RG” publishes a document about the punishment for online sale of counterfeit drugs

Amendments to the criminal code and the administrative code increased responsibility for distribution of counterfeit medicines and dietary supplements via the Internet. About this document publishes "RG"
The Ministry of justice transfers the services of registry offices in remote form

The Ministry of justice transfers the services of registry offices in remote form

Remote registration of births and deaths will occur via electronic services of the "child Birth" and "Bereavement". The bill the Ministry of justice submitted to the government
The law on administrative responsibility for violators of quarantine

The law on administrative responsibility for violators of quarantine

For "escape" from quarantine in addition to criminal liability is a and administrative. It will work if the consequences are less serious and there is no evidence of a crime. The act government passed second and third reading in the state Duma
The Supreme court explained the benefits of the heirs at law

The Supreme court explained the benefits of the heirs at law

Inheritance disputes, according to lawyers, some of the most complex, long and expensive. The Supreme court provided clarifications that may be useful to many citizens, faced with the problem of partition of the inheritance
The court of cassation banned to deprive the rights of drivers in absentia

The court of cassation banned to deprive the rights of drivers in absentia

The court of cassation banned to deprive the rights of drivers in absentia. The principle is simple: if driver is not given a chance to speak in his defense, it is a serious procedural violation, and to punish in this case it is not
The courts have begun to recover compensation from citizens for harassment on the Network for FREE

The courts have begun to recover compensation from citizens for harassment on the Network...

Any insult is already a reason to take under the protection of the honour and dignity of the person. So, the courts started to recover compensation for moral damage on citizens, which was an insult of interlocutors via SMS, instant messengers or Internet

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Dallas Mavericks fans gathered outside the American Airlines Center in protest of the recent trade that saw star player Luka Doncic being sent to...

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