Tag: contemporary art

Since the birth of world-renowned sculptor Ernst Neizvestny will be 95 years. And if not for the fight against the coronavirus that caused the cancellation of all public events, the opportunity to see works by the masters would be the residents of Orenburg
In the top of the social networking now the tag #etisalate. The creators of the public recognize that fun is not new. Here is how the paintings and sculptures was used for entertainment in the time of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov
Exhibition of Maria Safronova "What if?" had ended a couple of weeks before the scheduled date. Perfect rhymes with the rational in the universe, who creates the artist. Browser "RG", shared his impressions of the exposition
New flashmob #homeartchallenge picked up hundreds of actors, musicians and artists from all over Russia. To participate it's simple - record a video of your favorite piece, song, or take off their paintings and sketches and upload

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