Sobyanin told about when and how Moscow will introduce a digital pass

Start making digital badges will be Monday April 13, 2020.

Wednesday 15 April 2020 availability for travel will be required.

Walking while it is possible with no gaps, but at the same time strictly observing the rules and restrictions.

sobyanin told about when and how moscow will introduce a digital pass 1

access control system has declarative character. To obtain a digital pass, everyone can, and the list of valid reasons for travel is open.

Photo: Alexander Scherbak/TASS Sobyanin: access mode – this inconvenience, but we have no choice

But city officials reserve the right to verify the accuracy of reported information. We will check through the relevant information system and by direct supervision on the roads and in public transport.

to Request a pass on the portal MOS.RU should be no more difficult than to make a purchase in the online store.

Below are answers to the most important questions about digital badges.

1. What is a digital ID?

the Pass is issued electronically and is a special code consisting of letters and numbers, the first 4 characters which indicate the date of expiry of the pass, the other 12 signs allow to identify the owner and purpose of the trip. The QR code on the badge provides a quick check of information by enforcement officers.

sobyanin told about when and how moscow will introduce a digital pass 32. Some trips require admission?

get a digital pass is required for travel on any form of personal and public transport, motorcycle, scooter, car, taxi, metro, ICC, IDC, commuter rail, and common groundpublic transport.

3. Categories: digital badges and the reason for travelsobyanin told about when and how moscow will introduce a digital pass 4

enter the following categories: digital badges:

3.1. For travel related to employment.

Issued before April 30 if the organization continues to operate and the presence of the employee in the workplace is absolutely necessary.

Allow the trip to work and back, as well as service patrols, for example, the delivery of goods by courier.

the Number of trips is not limited.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG Sobyanin: Temporarily stops car-share, and beauty salons open before

3.2. For trips to medical facilities.

Pass this category is given for 1 day and allows a trip to a specific medical institution.

the Number of issued during the week of passes is not limited.

3.3. For travel for other personal purposes, corresponding to the regime of high alert (in the shop, the cottage, in station, etc.).

Pass this category is given for 1 day, and allows the ride to the destination and back.

to Obtain this pass you 2 times a week.

4. How are the trip between Moscow and the Moscow region, Moscow and other regions of the country?

Between Moscow and the Moscow region to be “roaming” digital gaps. For the trip “Moscow – Moscow region” and back to Muscovites it is necessary to order one pass on the portal

conversely, residents of the Moscow region, bought a pass to travel to Moscow and in Moscow on its website.

For the TrDKI to Moscow from another region, you need to request Moscow pass.

5. How to obtain a digital ID?sobyanin told about when and how moscow will introduce a digital pass 6

to Obtain a digital pass in three ways:

5.1. On the portal MOS.RU

Select the service “get a digital pass to travel around the city”, fill in the required details and send the request.

the System displays on the screen a special code that you must save (write, photograph or make a screenshot). At the same time a pass will be sent by e-mail, if you specified one.

5.2. To send an SMS to the short number 7377.

5.3. By phone +7 (495) 777-77-77.

For advice on obtaining permits, please call the phone +7 (495) 777-77-77.

6. Who does not need to obtain a digital pass?

the Trip without a digital pass for official purposes have the right to commit military personnel, law enforcement officers, judges and other officers with certificates established by the state sample.

Digital pass is not required for citizens under the age of 14.

Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA Novosti Sobyanin: Moscow will face a serious test for coronavirus
7. What additional information is necessary to inform for travel by private car and public transport?

When applying to receive a digital pass for travel by car need to inform his state registration number.

For trips in public transport in the application to get the pass you must specify the card number “three” or “Arrow” (if applicable).

8. How to use digital ID?

on the way, citizens are required to present a passport and digitalwhile a pass (showing a printout or the screen of the smartphone) at the request of officials in charge of control of movement in the city.

Test passes will be carried out in the presence of a citizen with the help of a special program in the tablet.

sobyanin told about when and how moscow will introduce a digital pass 89. Whether protected personal data?

the Storage and processing of personal data collected to issue digital badges will be carried out in accordance with the legislation on personal data.

Upon the termination of alert information issued passes will be destroyed.

At first glance, a system of digital badges seems complicated. I admit that there may be some technical problems. Let’s be patient. I am confident that together we will learn and we will establish this system.

unfortunately, it is a necessity. The need to preserve the lives and health of many Muscovites, as soon as possible to overcome the disaster and return to normal life.

Source: blog of the mayor of Moscow on the website

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