Roskosmos asked for 25 times more money on the Hangar

Roscosmos wants to increase to 65 billion rubles funding for the creation and testing of carrier rockets, "Angara" for the Vostochny space centre, which is 2.5 times more than originally planned, the materials of the Corporation at the disposal of RIA Novosti.

For experimental design work (OKR) "Amur", which provides for the creation of space rocket complex heavy class on the East, in the period from 2016 to 2025 was originally to be allocated to 26,2 billion. The money was planned to develop a rocket "Angara-A5" for the spaceport and to conduct its flight tests, including three start-up.

Earlier it was reported that the first launch of "Angara-A5" from the East with unmanned spacecraft "eagle" is scheduled for August-September of 2023. The second and third starts with "Eagle" heavy spacecraft is scheduled for 2024. From 2019 on the East is the construction of the launch complex for the "sheds".

According to the materials of the Russian space Agency, funding OCD "Cupid" is scheduled to adjust in the current and 2025 Federal space program in such a way that the total sum will rise to 65 billion rubles.

So in 2020 it is planned to allocate 3.9 billion instead of 3 billion rubles; in 2021 and 2.9 instead of 3.1; in 2022 – 3 instead of 3.3; in 2023 – instead of 11,4 3,6; 2024 – instead of 17,9 2,6; in 2025 – 19 instead of 2.7. The funding cuts in 2021 or 2022 is due to the "conversion to the parameters of the Federal budget for the years 2020-2022 taking into account the decisions of the state Corporation "Roskosmos" dated March 12, 2020".

Why is the need to increase funding by 2.5 times, is not specified. However, it is known that Roskosmos plans to create and experience on the East modernized rocket "Angara-А5М" and the rocket high-load "Angara-А5В".

"Angara" is a family of environmentally friendly carrier rockets of different classes. It includes a lightweight media "Angara-1.2" average "Angara-A3" heavy "Angara-A5" and upgraded "Angara-А5М" increased capacity "Angara-А5В".

In 2014 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome was the first rocket launches "Angara-1.2" and "Angara-A5". The second launch "Angara-A5" is planned before the end of 2020.