Prince Harry (37) and Duchess Meghan (41) stay in Great Britain in Frogmore Cottage. Her home is only about a kilometer from Prince William (40) and Duchess Kates (40) Adelaide Cottage. But there will be no meeting of the couples.
In the run-up to the Sussexes’ trip to Europe, there was speculation as to whether there would be a visit to the Queen (96) on Balmoral. But that seems impossible. At least nothing has been officially announced. And the monarch’s health woes could also make the hustle and bustle of meeting the couple who’ve turned their backs on ‘the company’ too risky.
But if Prince Harry is that close to his brother, at least the two could see each other. Although the relationship between the two is considered tense, they last met at the Queen’s jubilee and the funeral of Prince Philip († 99) – important events that the whole world looked at. Even then, there was no cordial or conciliatory exchange between the two.
According to insiders, an encounter is also almost impossible at the current time. And that has a special reason, as “” reports: Prince Harry’s memoirs, which are due to be released in winter, and the announced Netflix documentary of the Sussexes. Because nobody knows what allegations Prince Harry will make against his own family on both occasions.
Royal biographer Angela Levin said: “William and Catherine will probably avoid all contact with Harry and Meghan until they know what the memoir and Netflix documentary contain. They have missed their chance to be trusted because it is assumed that they will record every conversation and use it against them (the Royals, editor’s note).” In the past they have exaggerated excessively and been rude. No wonder they are no longer trusted.
However, the Sussexes declined an invitation from Prince Charles (73) to his house on the Queen’s Balomoral estate in Scotland, as “” reports. The always new allegations of the Sussexes against the royals and the attacks in particular against Prince Charles are said to have hit him hard. Insiders say he fears another attack this week when his youngest son is in Europe, but that he also “loves and misses” his son.
How the relationship with his family will develop after the publication of his memoirs should be eagerly awaited by many observers.
Duchess Meghan’s new interview was another blow to the Queen and the British royal family. Now, an insider revealed about Prince Harry’s wife that even her friends are now turning their backs on her.
Princess Diana died 25 years ago. However, their sons couldn’t be further apart right now. A fact that, according to a royal biographer, would have greatly disturbed Princess Diana.
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