He has experienced a lot and achieved. Bandleader Pepe Lienhard accompanied with his orchestra, Frank Sinatra (1915-1998) and during 37 years of German pop star Udo Jürgens (1934-2014). The Eurovision Song Contest he is in 1977 with his sextet and the title of “Swiss Lady”, the sixth place. He says: “I’m happy and enjoy the little things in life more than ever. Special requests or larger resolutions, which are still open have to do with my passions of music, travel, animals – especially birds and catering to.” During the Lockdown, he was on 23. March 74 years old. An opportunity to have his Bucket List to put together. So it looks like:

♦ to visit A journey through Australia, to the special animal and plant world and the many endemic bird species.

♦ Properly learn Spanish. For one, it is a beautiful language, and I have friends in Chile and other South and Central American countries. In addition, it means that the brain cells would be good to learn a new language.

♦ With my Big Band a concert of Michael Bublé accompany. We have accompanied for a Song in “Let’s Dance”. A great singer, musically absolutely on my line and a very likeable person.

♦ With my grandson Ellis and my son-in-law, Kevin, a Football match of FC Liverpool in the Anfield-stadium experience.

♦ The Quetzal in flight watch. Of the Aztec gods bird called, he is for me the most beautiful bird. To experience it in flight, is a special experience that I had. I would like to experience in Central America with my wife Christine.

♦ Early In the morning with a professional fisherman on the lake of Constance drive. A few years ago, I was invited to. This is what I am going to redeem. It reminds me of experiences with my father who took me fishing.

♦ A meal at the Aargauer Daniel Humm in New York. Because everything has to taste great, and anyone who knows me, knows that I can’t commit to a court of law. I’d opt for the Ten-course menu.

♦ In our garden pavilion among the bushes to sleep. We have many wild birds in our garden. In the Morning you can watch them particularly well. The course also has a romantic side.

♦ In may of 2021 a great Swiss tour with the Big Band complete. In March of 2021, I’m 75, and am very much looking forward.

♦ After the pandemic, my and Christine’s family to invite to a garden party. This is a special Moment.