The award was awarded to David Julius and Ardem Pataputyan

The winners of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for 2021 were David Julius and Ardem Pataputyan. The award was awarded for the discovery of temperature and pressure receptors, the Nobel Committee writes on its website.

Last year, the award winners in this category were Harvey Olter, Charles Rice and Michael Houghton for the discovery of the hepatitis C virus.

Award and nomination of candidates

The Nobel Assembly, which includes 50 professors of the Karolinska Institute, is responsible for awarding the prize. The working body of the Assembly is the Nobel Committee. A committee consisting of five or six people is formed for each nomination for a period of three years. The assembly meets several times a year to discuss the candidates selected by the committee, and on the first Monday in October elects the laureate.

The names of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine have been announced

Scientists from different countries can nominate for the prize, including members of the Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institute and holders of the Nobel Prizes in Physiology, Medicine and Chemistry, who have received special invitations from the Nobel Committee. Candidates can be offered from September to January 31 next year.