The incidence in Germany is currently around 230 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Experts assume a higher number because not all infected people have a PCR test carried out. FOCUS online says when the PCR test will be free and why it is important.
The Robert Koch Institute continues to report the current corona infection numbers almost daily. While the numbers are falling in some federal states, they are stagnating in most of the republic.
However, experts warn against wrong conclusions. Only positive PCR tests are included in the statistics. Many infected people avoid going to the test site. This can save money and be important for the future.
In Germany there has been months of testing confusion.
Yes and no.
Doctors can order a PCR test as part of the treatment. The health insurance company bears the costs.
In principle, the following applies: The PCR test is free of charge if the rapid antigen test from the pharmacy or from the test center is positive. Even if the self-test is positive, the test is free of charge.
The PCR test is intended to confirm the result in the laboratory. In order to be able to carry out the PCR test free of charge, you must present the positive self-test or rapid test result to the test center. Either in the form of a document or the positive self-test cassette.
If you have no symptoms and need the PCR test for private purposes, you must pay for it yourself. This applies, for example, if you want to attend an event. The prices for a PCR test vary depending on the location and transmission time. As a rule, between 39 euros and 170 euros are charged for a PCR test.
Basically yes.
A PCR test confirms a positive rapid test or self-test result by laboratory analysis. If the result is positive, you will receive a notification by post from the responsible health authority. You can use this to issue a proof of recovery in the pharmacy 28 days after the positive result. It is then valid for 90 days.
According to the current status, the proof of recovery does not play a role in public life for the time being. This could change at any time if the number of infections increases. In addition, you basically save money with the free test through the PCR test!
In order to be able to leave the quarantine after five days, you usually have to be tested. You must also be symptom-free 48 hours after the positive test.
The rapid test required for this is only free of charge for you if you present a written isolation order from the public health department or a positive PCR test result. The result must not be older than 21 days. If you have not taken a PCR test, you will have to pay three euros for it.
It is difficult for infected people to find a PCR test site. In rural areas in particular, the test is only available in the family doctor’s office. If you have a positive rapid test, it is essential that you contact your family doctor’s practice by phone first.
If you have symptoms, you can call for sick leave.
If you test positive, you must isolate yourself from other people and quarantine for at least five days. It is usually counted from the day after the first positive test result. After the fifth day and before you leave the quarantine, you should free test yourself. This can be done with a quick test at the pharmacy. There are three euros for it.
Those affected have had to pay money for the so-called “citizen test” since the end of June. Only in certain cases is the test free of charge.
The citizen test is free for
In order to receive the free citizen test, appropriate proof must be provided. These include birth certificates, children’s passports, maternity passports or corresponding test certificates.
Employees and those treated in the following facilities also receive a free citizen test:
In addition, relatives of those in need of care and household members of those who have been proven to be infected. For this purpose, a self-assessment or proof of the care status must be submitted.
Basically, anyone who needs a citizen test and does not belong to the groups of people listed above must contribute three euros to the test costs.
This applies, for example, to indoor events, after a risky contact, when the Corona-Warn-App displays a red warning or for vulnerable groups.