An international team of scientists observed the behaviour of dolphins-avalino in the West of Shark Bay (Shark Bay) in Australia from 2007 to 2018. They noticed that 19 dolphins in the act special sparkota 42 times.

Hunting types have some animals: crows, are operating branches to find food, chimpanzees make primitive spears for hunting and dolphins in Australia have been seen catching fish, huge shells.

Scientists have discovered how bottlenose dolphins learn to catch fish in an unusual way: they capture in the teeth large sink, float them to the surface, scoop water with fish, and then shake the prey in the mouth, similar to how people take the remains of the chips at the bottom of the package. This was another proof of the reach of social behavior of dolphins apes and humans, writes CNN.

“Our study shows that such hunting behavior – when the dolphins catch fish in an empty sea shells – distributed through social learning among intimate partners. This is surprising, since the dolphins usually follow the strategy “say it like mommy” in the learning process strategies for the production of food,” – said Sonya Wilde, a behavioral ecologist from the Institute of animal behavior at the max Planck, which conducted the study for his doctoral thesis at the University of Leeds.

Dolphins-mother and cubs usually form close relationships, staying next to each other for at least two years studying the social behavior and methods of obtaining food.

The results of the study provided more evidence of the similarities between dolphins and great apes – chimpanzees, gorillas and humans – which also revealed a number of socially learned behavior in search of food, says the study, published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.

“Despite their different evolutionary history and the fact that they occupy such different habitat: dolphins, elephants and apes – a long-lived mammals with a large brain and high abilities to the ingenuity and the transfer of social skills,” added Michael Cruzen, Director of the Department of anthropology of the University of Zurich and senior author of the study.

Wilde added that some dolphins use shells quite often during feeding, while other individuals were seen with a sink only once. Explanations for this may be several. It is possible that some dolphins have mastered this skill better than others.