In the Russian social network “Schoolmates” has appeared the ability to upload Steerpike on behalf of the group, said in a press release received by the editors”.ru”.

Previously, this feature was only available to users of popular social networks. Now to publish sets can group using a chat bot. It processes the image and returns a link to the finished stakeback, and also will specify on behalf of whom it is necessary to unload stakeback: a group or personal profile.

Thus, I specify in the “Classmates”, increase the brand recognition of companies or authors, will increase the number of subscribers, and people will be able to communicate more emotionally.

“In the future will be able to install the stickers only on condition of subscribing to the group author. And OK plan page tikerpae to add a banner which can contain additional information about the group or of the company,” said the creators.

Now page Steerpike in a social network contain information about the number of installations, a permanent link to the set, which you can share with friends, as well as a link with the author’s name or group name. When you click on the latter, if stakeback was uploaded on behalf of the community, you can visit the group and subscribe to it.

Earlier in June, “Classmates” allowed users to create their own set of stickers. For this you need to send in a special chat-bot image and get ready stakeback. According to the social network, per month, users have created more than 1 thousand stickerbomb, installed about 500 thousand, and sent nearly 5 million stickers in messages and comments.