Coronavirus is able to affect intestinal cells and multiply in them, suggesting the possibility of infection not only airborne, according to a study published on the portal Eurekalert.

Called the main symptom of coronavirus

Dutch scientists from the Institute of Habrecht, Medical centre of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Maastricht University have traced the effects of coronavirus on the model cell culture of human intestines and the cells respond. When added to the organelles in the fashion industry, they are quickly infected, and the number of infected cells increased.

As noted by experts, on the background of detection in the majority of patients with COVID-19 symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea, as well as the detection of viral particles in the stool recover the data indicates that the virus can be spread through so-called dirty hands.

the Pandemic coronavirus

World health organization March 11 announced the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 pandemic. According to the latest world health organization, worldwide there were more than 3.1 million cases, more than 224 thousand people died.

In the first place the number of victims and cases of the United States, there is a regime of a major disaster. A list of the most susceptible to coronavirus States also include Spain, Italy, France, Germany and the UK.

Russia occupies the seventh place by incidence, ahead of Iran, China and Turkey, more than 124 thousand (most of them in Moscow). For all the time died 1222 people, more than 15 thousand recovered. Authorities urged citizens to observe all precautions, including keep your distance in public places.

Recent data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.Russia

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.