Hours a week in Russia has proposed to extend because of the new risks of the spread of coronavirus

Hours a week in Russia has proposed to extend because of the new risks of the spread of coronavirus Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova and the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the incubation period of coronavirus infection is approximately 14 days, and it is therefore necessary to minimize human contact for a period of two weeks or more ALL PHOTOS hours a week in russia has proposed to extend because of the new risks of the spread of coronavirus 3 Hours a week in Russia has proposed to extend because of the new risks of the spread of coronavirus
AGN Moscow / Alexander Avilov Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova and the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the incubation period of coronavirus infection is approximately 14 days and so you need to minimize human contact for a period of two weeks or more
the Press service of the President of Russia on the Eve of the possible renewal outside of the period stated in the Metropolitan municipality – primarily due to the growth of detected cases of coronavirus, and the return flight with the Russians on their homeland from Europe
AGN Moscow / Kirill Zykov

on 1 April the President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with government members where he spoke about the implementation of the proposed “anti-virus” measures, but also on formation of group of volunteers from 60 people to test new vaccines, as well as the creation of observation for arriving to Russia from abroad citizens and fellow citizens. According to “Kommersant”, non-working week may be extended for a more successful fight against the virus.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova and the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the incubation period of coronavirus infection is approximately 14 days, and it is therefore necessary to minimize human contact for a period of two weeks or more. “According to “Kommersant”, next week working after hours will not be”, – stated in the report on remote meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with government members.

Golikova at the meeting suggested that such a measure should be applied not at the Federal level and in individual regions. “I would say that to extend these measures should be clearly based on the epidemiological situation that is emerging in the region. We must very clearly seek a compromise between the restrictive measures and the development of the economy of a particular region” – said Deputy Prime Minister.

Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova urged to extend hours a week, taking into account the incubation period of coronavirus infection. “The incubation period for the virus is 14 days. The period of rupture of relations of transfer must also be a multiple of 14 days. But 14 days is definitely not enough these days would have to be more”, – said Popov.

on the Eve of the possible renewal outside of the period stated in the Metropolitan municipality – primarily due to the growth of detected cases of coronavirus, and the return flight with the Russians on their homeland from Europe. Popov said that if the non-renewal of the regime of the Metropolitan health care system will experience a collapse: in the coming days in the capital is expected to surge in the number of cases.

the First information about that quarantine, which was completed on 5 April, will be extended for at least another 9 days, appeared on March 30. Then Telegram-channel Moscow operational headquarters for the fight against the epidemic was published the following entry: “According to the decree of the mayor of Moscow, the regime of self-isolation must be observed until April 14.” Later the message disappeared, the end date of the regime. And the representative of the operational headquarters explained that he had been admitted a technical error.

In reality, the mayor of Moscow believe that the regime of self-isolation will last for the whole April. As told to the BBC close to the leadership of the capital source, this period is not specified in the official public documents, but in internal deliberations in the situation room to discuss it. Two other sources close to the leadership of the Moscow operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, also confirmed this information.

Another source noted that inasmuch as the growing coverage tests, increased sharply and the number of identified cases of infection. If you do not stop the spread of the epidemic, the healthcare system of the city can fail, as happened in other countries.

what is quarantine in Moscow will be extended, confirms the introduction of the mayor’s office QR codes for Muscovites, only with the help of which it will be possible to go outside without the threat of sanctions. These codes are required for each exit from the house, whether it’s urgent exit on basic needs in the store, the garbage, walk the dog or trip to the cottage. To check availability of the code will be police patrols that will enforce the regime of self-isolation. The technology for generating QR codes ready, its launch will be announced later.