The air gradually cools down. However, point 19, at eleven students from the Evangelical, residential community and gather with Hymnals on the terrace. Together, they agree to the song “The moon has risen”. A part of the group, the well-known verses, the other playing with trumpets, saxophone, Tuba, E-Piano sings the melody.

Since then, the Evangelical Church has called in the middle of March, while the Corona-crisis music every evening together, on balconies or in gardens, it also sounds also in the Emil-Abderhalden-Straße in the Northern part of downtown music, to the delight of the neighbors. “I can hear the music from my balcony. That sounds really nice,“ says a neighbor. It is a fixed point in an otherwise unstructured life.

“It is always different, who’s singing along in the evening, or to play with”

“It is always different, who’s singing along in the evening, or to play with,” says Alexander Tiedemann, the study, the inspector for the organization of the residential community. Around 50 students from different courses of life together under one roof. Originally a boarding school for theology students was founded.

Until the year 2000, there was also located the Church, school of music. So it is that in many of the rooms still has a piano. House music nights such as the weekly worship and dinner together as a group to the everyday life of the inhabitants.

“The moon is risen, the Golden stars glistened in the sky, bright and clear”

In times of pandemic take place, no regular Meetings anymore. In a large residential community, contact with others, however, cannot be completely avoided. Therefore, the students have decided to make music, at least in the Free together, and to make the neighborhood every evening at the same time a joy.

The evening song begins with the words “The moon is risen, the Golden stars glistened in the sky, bright and clear” (Protestant hymnal 482), and many people are likely to be from their own Childhood known. The verses composed by Matthias Claudius, already in 1779, the melody comes from Johann Abraham Peter Schulz. It was a time that was marked by hunger, disasters, and infectious diseases.

“The song is Thought-provoking and can come to rest”

“The song is Thought-provoking and can come to rest,” explains study inspector Tiedemann. It depicts at the same time, the fear of God’s punishments, as well as Ensure the peaceful sleep and the sick neighbors – very similar to the thoughts, the minds of the people even during the current pandemic. Many livelihoods are also threatened today. “Music in times of hope and trust,” says Tiedemann.

Not only the Church, but also music schools and orchestras on call currently to the balcony making music – the idea arose in Italy, where people have to stay for weeks at home. There, too, the music gives people strength. (mz)

This article was written by Tanya gold Cup

*The contribution to “”The moon has risen”: Every night, it sings a song in the North of the city” is published by Central German newspaper. Contact with the executives here.

Central German newspaper