Currently, many health authorities, universities and non-governmental organizations around the world are working on technologies for the contact measurement on the Smartphone. Now, the two have done deer, Apple and Google together to create a technical Foundation for the developed solutions. The current Plan is due to the high urgency to two steps for the implementation of the project:

In the first step will be to publish Google and Apple in may interfaces (APIs), thanks to which the applications of the health authorities, irrespective of the operating systems (iOS and Android) can communicate with each other. The communication is done using Bluetooth technologies.

in Addition, want to develop Google and Apple “in the coming months,” a Bluetooth-based platform for contact measurements. This should be implement – unlike the above mentioned Apps directly in the two operating systems. “Such a solution is more robust than a programming interface, and also allows for the voluntary participation of more individuals in such a System,” proclaimed Apple and Google in a joint statement to the press. In addition, support for such an approach the collaboration in a broader Ecosystem of Apps and health authorities.

How does the Bluetooth concept, exactly?

Basically, the new Software is intended to facilitate the contact measurement. If a Person is tested positive for Covid-19, it will be thanks to the Bluetooth technology, as well as temporary identification numbers-based systems to check, with whom the said Person in the last time has made – at least in theory. Affected persons should then be about a possible contagion so that they can directly test and not during the longer incubation time is free to run around and the Virus spread.

In the joint press statement stressed Google and Apple several times that participation was voluntary and insert in the implementation a lot of emphasis on privacy and security. That’s why the companies want to the obtained contact information is not Central, but on the Smartphones of the users to save. Only if a participant is tested positive for Covid-19, to be transmitted, the data – also voluntarily – to a Central Server. The System then anonymizes this and sends it to other users. In addition, to change your Bluetooth ID every 15 minutes automatically, so that no comprehensive Tracking is possible.

for obvious reasons, the jointly developed Software will be not only in the latest Android and iOS versions available. So Android devices with the Android operating system 6 Marshmallow or later will receive the listed functions. In the case of Apple, in the future, almost all devices should support the Anti-Corona Feature.

This article was written by Artem Sandler

*The post “Google and Apple will launch cooperation against Covid-19” is published by Inside phone. Contact with the executives here.

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